## Week 1 Questions *What is your prior experience in this discipline?* Took Computational Biology Course in undergrad. Looked at SAR11 abundance in metagenomes, generated MAGs, etc for undergraduate thesis. *What do you hope to get out of this class?* Lots of the skills I developed were very ad hoc. I'm trying to improve my workflow development and look for helpful tips and tricks that I haven't discovered. Also, I have been struggling to fold Hyak's container based system into my previous workflows, so would love guidance on how to best incorporate Hyak. *This class is strongly rooted in an independent project related to genomic analyses. What specific project do you have in mind? If you do not have any data or preference, data can be provided / aquired. If you do not have a specfic project, what approach would you like to master as part of this class?* I'm still trying to decide what I want to do. One possibility is using a GWAS-style experiment comparing presence of different genes/KEGG pathways in microbial genomes to specific metabolite presence in the organism, or location of the organism. Would also be interested in MAG assembly. I'd be interested in brainstorming ideas. *What are two things you found most useful from the reading?* 1.) Every time I read about grep I slowly start to understand regex a little better. 2.) It convinced me to move away from moving vim as my main text editor and to try nano instead.