Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax

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Documentation for package ‘kableExtra’ version 1.3.4

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kableExtra-package kableExtra
add_footnote Add footnote
add_header_above Add a header row on top of current header
add_indent Add indentations to row headers
as_image Render the table as an format-independent image and use it in rmarkdown
auto_index Automatically figuring out the group_row index
cell_spec Specify Cell/Text format
collapse_rows Collapse repeated rows to multirow cell
column_spec Specify the look of the selected column
dev_chr Helper functions to use various graphics devices
footnote Add footnote (new)
footnote_marker_alphabet Footnote marker
footnote_marker_number Footnote marker
footnote_marker_symbol Footnote marker
graphics_dev Helper functions to use various graphics devices
graphics_helpers Helper functions to use various graphics devices
group_rows Put a few rows of a table into one category
header_separate Separate table headers and add additional header rows based on grouping
html_dependency_bsTable HTML dependency for Twitter bootstrap (table only)
html_dependency_kePrint HTML dependency for js script to enable bootstrap tooltip and popup message
html_dependency_lightable HTML dependency for lightable
is_svg Helper functions to use various graphics devices
kableExtra kableExtra
kableExtra_latex_packages LaTeX Packages
kable_as_image Deprecated
kable_as_xml Read HTML kable as XML
kable_classic Alternative HTML themes
kable_classic_2 Alternative HTML themes
kable_material Alternative HTML themes
kable_material_dark Alternative HTML themes
kable_minimal Alternative HTML themes
kable_paper Alternative HTML themes
kable_styling HTML table attributes
kbl Wrapper function of knitr::kable
landscape Print the table on an isolated landscape page in PDF
linebreak Make linebreak in LaTeX Table cells
listify_args Convert arguments for a single call into Map-able args
magic_mirror Magic mirror that returns kable's attributes
make_inline_plot Combine file (or svg text) and parameters into a 'kableExtraInlinePlots' object
pack_rows Put a few rows of a table into one category
remove_column Remove columns
rmd_format Rmarkdown Format
row_spec Specify the look of the selected row
save_kable Save kable to files
scroll_box Put a HTML table into a scrollable box
spec_angle Generate rotation angle for continuous values
spec_boxplot Helper functions to generate inline sparklines
spec_color Generate viridis Color code for continuous values
spec_font_size Generate common font size for continuous values
spec_hist Helper functions to generate inline sparklines
spec_image Setup image path, size, etc
spec_plot Helper functions to generate inline sparklines
spec_pointrange Helper functions to generate inline sparklines
spec_popover Setup bootstrap popover
spec_tooltip Setup bootstrap tooltip
text_spec Specify Cell/Text format
usepackage_latex Load a LaTeX package
xml_as_kable Convert XML back to kable
xtable2kable Convert xtable to a kable object