Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution

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Documentation for package ‘DESeq2’ version 1.38.3

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DESeq2-package DESeq2 package for differential analysis of count data
coef.DESeqDataSet Extract a matrix of model coefficients/standard errors
collapseReplicates Collapse technical replicates in a RangedSummarizedExperiment or DESeqDataSet
counts-method Accessors for the 'counts' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
counts<--method Accessors for the 'counts' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
DESeq Differential expression analysis based on the Negative Binomial (a.k.a. Gamma-Poisson) distribution
DESeqDataSet DESeqDataSet object and constructors
DESeqDataSet-class DESeqDataSet object and constructors
DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount DESeqDataSet object and constructors
DESeqDataSetFromMatrix DESeqDataSet object and constructors
DESeqDataSetFromTximport DESeqDataSet object and constructors
DESeqResults DESeqResults object and constructor
DESeqResults-class DESeqResults object and constructor
DESeqTransform DESeqTransform object and constructor
DESeqTransform-class DESeqTransform object and constructor
design-method Accessors for the 'design' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
design<--method Accessors for the 'design' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersionFunction Accessors for the 'dispersionFunction' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersionFunction-method Accessors for the 'dispersionFunction' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersionFunction<- Accessors for the 'dispersionFunction' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersionFunction<--method Accessors for the 'dispersionFunction' slot of a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersions Accessor functions for the dispersion estimates in a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersions-method Accessor functions for the dispersion estimates in a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersions<- Accessor functions for the dispersion estimates in a DESeqDataSet object.
dispersions<--method Accessor functions for the dispersion estimates in a DESeqDataSet object.
estimateBetaPriorVar Steps for estimating the beta prior variance
estimateDispersions-method Estimate the dispersions for a DESeqDataSet
estimateDispersionsFit Low-level functions to fit dispersion estimates
estimateDispersionsGeneEst Low-level functions to fit dispersion estimates
estimateDispersionsMAP Low-level functions to fit dispersion estimates
estimateDispersionsPriorVar Low-level functions to fit dispersion estimates
estimateMLEForBetaPriorVar Steps for estimating the beta prior variance
estimateSizeFactors-method Estimate the size factors for a 'DESeqDataSet'
estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix Low-level function to estimate size factors with robust regression.
fpkm FPKM: fragments per kilobase per million mapped fragments
fpm FPM: fragments per million mapped fragments
getVarianceStabilizedData Apply a variance stabilizing transformation (VST) to the count data
integrateWithSingleCell Integrate bulk DE results with Bioconductor single-cell RNA-seq datasets
lfcShrink Shrink log2 fold changes
makeExampleDESeqDataSet Make a simulated DESeqDataSet
nbinomLRT Likelihood ratio test (chi-squared test) for GLMs
nbinomWaldTest Wald test for the GLM coefficients
normalizationFactors Accessor functions for the normalization factors in a DESeqDataSet object.
normalizationFactors-method Accessor functions for the normalization factors in a DESeqDataSet object.
normalizationFactors<- Accessor functions for the normalization factors in a DESeqDataSet object.
normalizationFactors<--method Accessor functions for the normalization factors in a DESeqDataSet object.
normalizeGeneLength Normalize for gene length
normTransform Normalized counts transformation
plotCounts Plot of normalized counts for a single gene
plotDispEsts Plot dispersion estimates
plotDispEsts-method Plot dispersion estimates
plotMA MA-plot from base means and log fold changes
plotMA-method MA-plot from base means and log fold changes
plotPCA Sample PCA plot for transformed data
plotPCA-method Sample PCA plot for transformed data
plotSparsity Sparsity plot
priorInfo Accessors for the 'priorInfo' slot of a DESeqResults object.
priorInfo-method Accessors for the 'priorInfo' slot of a DESeqResults object.
priorInfo<- Accessors for the 'priorInfo' slot of a DESeqResults object.
priorInfo<--method Accessors for the 'priorInfo' slot of a DESeqResults object.
removeResults Extract results from a DESeq analysis
replaceOutliers Replace outliers with trimmed mean
replaceOutliersWithTrimmedMean Replace outliers with trimmed mean
results Extract results from a DESeq analysis
resultsNames Extract results from a DESeq analysis
rlog Apply a 'regularized log' transformation
rlogTransformation Apply a 'regularized log' transformation
show-method Show method for DESeqResults objects
sizeFactors-method Accessor functions for the 'sizeFactors' information in a DESeqDataSet object.
sizeFactors<--method Accessor functions for the 'sizeFactors' information in a DESeqDataSet object.
summary-method Summarize DESeq results
unmix Unmix samples using loss in a variance stabilized space
varianceStabilizingTransformation Apply a variance stabilizing transformation (VST) to the count data
vst Quickly estimate dispersion trend and apply a variance stabilizing transformation