The exit status of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail was: 250
The full error message was:
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)' Caused by: Process `NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)` terminated with an error exit status (250) Command executed: \ --rna \ --threads 12 \ --memory 72 \ \ -1 pooled_reads_1.merged.fastq.gz -2 pooled_reads_2.merged.fastq.gz \ \ -o ./ mv spades.log pooled_reads.spades.log if [ -f scaffolds.fasta ]; then mv scaffolds.fasta pooled_reads.scaffolds.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.scaffolds.fa fi if [ -f contigs.fasta ]; then mv contigs.fasta pooled_reads.contigs.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.contigs.fa fi if [ -f transcripts.fasta ]; then mv transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.transcripts.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.transcripts.fa fi if [ -f soft_filtered_transcripts.fasta ]; then mv soft_filtered_transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.soft_filtered_transcripts.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.soft_filtered_transcripts.fa fi if [ -f hard_filtered_transcripts.fasta ]; then mv hard_filtered_transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.hard_filtered_transcripts.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.hard_filtered_transcripts.fa fi if [ -f assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa ]; then mv assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa pooled_reads.assembly.gfa gzip -n pooled_reads.assembly.gfa fi if [ -f gene_clusters.fasta ]; then mv gene_clusters.fasta pooled_reads.gene_clusters.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.gene_clusters.fa fi cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES": spades: $( --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*SPAdes genome assembler v//p') END_VERSIONS Command exit status: 250 Command output: 2:58:16.891 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Relative coverage component remover triggered 0 times 2:58:16.954 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running Complex bulge remover 2:58:29.318 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Complex bulge remover triggered 0 times 2:58:29.382 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running Tip clipper 2:58:29.443 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Tip clipper triggered 0 times 2:58:29.507 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running Final tip clipper 2:58:29.568 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Final tip clipper triggered 0 times 2:58:29.631 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running Bulge remover 2:58:29.690 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Bulge remover triggered 0 times 2:58:29.750 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running Final bulge remover 2:58:29.809 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Final bulge remover triggered 0 times 2:58:29.869 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running AT Tips 2:58:29.928 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) AT Tips triggered 0 times 2:58:29.987 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 348) Disrupting self-conjugate edges 2:58:32.102 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 168) Running Removing isolated edges 2:58:35.568 49G / 57G INFO Simplification (parallel_processing.hpp : 171) Removing isolated edges triggered 2140990 times 2:58:36.049 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 508) After simplification: 2:58:36.110 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 509) Average coverage = 194.651 2:58:36.669 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 510) Total length = 202779300 2:58:37.195 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 511) Median edge length: 356 2:58:37.261 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 512) Edges: 2070079 2:58:37.321 49G / 57G INFO General (simplification.cpp : 513) Vertices: 2424436 2:58:37.382 49G / 57G INFO StageManager (stage.cpp : 189) STAGE == Mismatch Correction (id: mismatch_correction) 2:58:37.442 49G / 57G INFO General (graph_pack_helpers.cpp : 44) Index refill 2:58:37.502 49G / 57G INFO General (edge_index.hpp : 175) Using small index (max_id = 225479915) 2:58:39.137 49G / 57G INFO K-mer Index Building (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 410) Building perfect hash indices 2:58:56.297 49G / 57G INFO K-mer Index Building (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 446) Index built. Total 202779278 kmers, 146680906 bytes occupied (5.78682 bits per kmer). 2:58:56.916 50G / 57G INFO General (edge_index_builders.hpp : 253) Collecting edge information from graph, this takes a while. 2:59:04.393 50G / 57G INFO General (graph_pack_helpers.cpp : 54) Normalizing k-mer map. Total 662334904 kmers to process mimalloc: error: unable to allocate OS memory (5305794560 bytes, error code: 12 [Cannot allocate memory], address: (nil), large only: 0, allow large: 1) mimalloc: process info: elapsed: 10841.233 s process: user: 94959.883 s, system: 1410.633 s, faults: 351352 rss: current: 126547222528, peak: 70665609216 commit: current: 126547222528, peak: 126547222528 == Error == system call for: "['/usr/local/bin/spades-core', '/gscratch/scrubbed/srlab/nxf.si5WitkIa9/K43/configs/', '/gscratch/scrubbed/srlab/nxf.si5WitkIa9/K43/configs/', '/gscratch/scrubbed/srlab/nxf.si5WitkIa9/K43/configs/']" finished abnormally, OS return value: -6 None In case you have troubles running SPAdes, you can report an issue on our GitHub repository Please provide us with params.txt and spades.log files from the output directory. SPAdes log can be found here: /gscratch/scrubbed/srlab/nxf.si5WitkIa9/spades.log Thank you for using rnaSPAdes! If you use it in your research, please cite: Bushmanova, E., Antipov, D., Lapidus, A. and Prjibelski, A.D., 2019. rnaSPAdes: a de novo transcriptome assembler and its application to RNA-Seq data. GigaScience, 8(9), p.giz100. Command error: INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_TMPDIR is set, but APPTAINERENV_TMPDIR is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_TASK_WORKDIR is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_TASK_WORKDIR is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_DEBUG is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_DEBUG is preferred /usr/local/share/spades/spades_pipeline/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d' return [atoi(c) for c in re.split("(\d+)", text)] Work dir: /mmfs1/gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20241104_denovo/work/45/138d60fae9524f20eb79462e1b8d06 Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`
nextflow run nf-core/denovotranscript -c /gscratch/srlab/strigg/bin/uw_hyak_srlab.config --input /gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20240925/samplesheet/samplesheet.csv --outdir /gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20241104_denovo '--extra_fastp_args=--trim_front1 10 --trim_front2 10' --remove_ribo_rna --assemblers rnaspades -resume -with-report nf_report.html -with-trace -with-timeline nf_timeline.html
, revision master
(commit hash 27bb1e7924f01fa1e9cd624aeddc7d11b7a8c5fe
)These plots give an overview of the distribution of resource usage for each process.
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