The exit status of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail was: -1
The full error message was:
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)' Caused by: Process `NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES (pooled_reads)` terminated with an error exit status (-1) Command executed: \ --rna \ --threads 12 \ --memory 72 \ \ -1 pooled_reads_1.merged.fastq.gz -2 pooled_reads_2.merged.fastq.gz \ \ -o ./ mv spades.log pooled_reads.spades.log if [ -f scaffolds.fasta ]; then mv scaffolds.fasta pooled_reads.scaffolds.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.scaffolds.fa fi if [ -f contigs.fasta ]; then mv contigs.fasta pooled_reads.contigs.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.contigs.fa fi if [ -f transcripts.fasta ]; then mv transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.transcripts.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.transcripts.fa fi if [ -f soft_filtered_transcripts.fasta ]; then mv soft_filtered_transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.soft_filtered_transcripts.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.soft_filtered_transcripts.fa fi if [ -f hard_filtered_transcripts.fasta ]; then mv hard_filtered_transcripts.fasta pooled_reads.hard_filtered_transcripts.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.hard_filtered_transcripts.fa fi if [ -f assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa ]; then mv assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa pooled_reads.assembly.gfa gzip -n pooled_reads.assembly.gfa fi if [ -f gene_clusters.fasta ]; then mv gene_clusters.fasta pooled_reads.gene_clusters.fa gzip -n pooled_reads.gene_clusters.fa fi cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "NFCORE_DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:DENOVOTRANSCRIPT:SPADES": spades: $( --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*SPAdes genome assembler v//p') END_VERSIONS Command exit status: -1 Command output: 0:27:19.787 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 147845225 kmers 0:27:22.169 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 157965512 kmers 0:27:23.233 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 167836508 kmers 0:27:24.539 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 182946012 kmers 0:27:37.931 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 271475817 kmers 0:28:12.895 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 540371395 kmers 0:29:30.902 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 197) Processed 1081874329 kmers 0:31:06.702 6841M / 16G INFO General (kmer_splitters.hpp : 202) Used 1741249467 kmers. 0:31:06.703 1M / 16G INFO General (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 264) Starting k-mer counting. 0:32:16.666 1M / 16G INFO General (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 275) K-mer counting done. There are 1730543626 kmers in total. 0:32:16.666 1M / 16G INFO K-mer Index Building (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 410) Building perfect hash indices 0:33:57.360 1217M / 16G INFO K-mer Index Building (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 446) Index built. Total 1730543626 kmers, 1249997920 bytes occupied (5.77852 bits per kmer). 0:33:57.360 1217M / 16G INFO General (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 168) Merging final buckets. mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (1736441856 bytes, address: 0x14f5dd989000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:34:23.302 2869M / 16G INFO DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build: 101) Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers 0:36:20.954 2869M / 16G INFO DeBruijnExtensionIndexBu (kmer_extension_index_build: 106) Building k-mer extensions from k+1-mers finished. 0:36:21.053 2869M / 16G INFO General (stage.cpp : 121) PROCEDURE == Early A/T remover (id: construction:early_at_remover) 0:36:21.053 2869M / 16G INFO Early A/T remover (early_simplification.hpp : 177) Remove short poly A/T edges 0:38:08.513 2869M / 16G INFO Early A/T remover (early_simplification.hpp : 255) Links removed: 624 0:38:08.513 2869M / 16G INFO Early A/T remover (early_simplification.hpp : 180) 534 44-mers were removed by early poly A/T remover 0:38:08.624 2869M / 16G INFO Early A/T remover (early_simplification.hpp : 263) Remove poly A/T tips 0:39:51.399 2899M / 16G INFO Early A/T remover (early_simplification.hpp : 332) Clipped tips: 340717 0:39:51.399 2869M / 16G INFO Early A/T remover (early_simplification.hpp : 266) 1901281 44-mers were removed by early poly A/T tip clipper 0:39:51.481 2869M / 16G INFO General (stage.cpp : 121) PROCEDURE == Condensing graph (id: construction:graph_condensing) 0:39:51.484 2869M / 16G INFO UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 381) Extracting unbranching paths mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (1799356416 bytes, address: 0x14f69de4f000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:42:42.957 8031M / 16G INFO UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 400) Extracting unbranching paths finished. 112178865 sequences extracted mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (1799356416 bytes, address: 0x14f570c00000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:44:04.967 8031M / 16G INFO UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 336) Collecting perfect loops 0:44:54.053 8032M / 16G INFO UnbranchingPathExtractor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 369) Collecting perfect loops finished. 196 loops collected mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (3594518528 bytes, address: 0x14f6b0aff000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (1799356416 bytes, address: 0x14f644c00000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:44:58.793 8031M / 16G INFO DeBruijnGraphConstructor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 586) Sorting edges... 0:45:07.113 8031M / 16G INFO DeBruijnGraphConstructor (debruijn_graph_constructor: 588) Edges sorted 0:45:07.113 8031M / 16G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 516) Total 224358122 edges to create mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (9026142208 bytes, address: 0x14f356000000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:45:07.119 17G / 17G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 519) Collecting link records mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (3594518528 bytes, address: 0x14f6b0aff000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:46:44.968 20G / 22G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 521) Ordering link records 0:46:54.003 20G / 23G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 524) Sorting done mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (1077936128 bytes, address: 0x14f66fc00000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:46:55.978 21G / 23G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 537) Sorting LinkRecords... 0:47:04.758 21G / 23G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 540) LinkRecords sorted 0:47:04.758 21G / 23G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 542) Total 101484665 vertices to create 0:47:04.763 30G / 30G INFO General (debruijn_graph_constructor: 545) Connecting the graph 0:49:06.916 24G / 27G INFO General (stage.cpp : 121) PROCEDURE == Filling coverage indices (PHM) (id: construction:coverage_filling_phm) 0:49:06.917 24G / 27G INFO K-mer Index Building (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 410) Building perfect hash indices 0:51:40.107 26G / 27G INFO K-mer Index Building (kmer_index_builder.hpp : 446) Index built. Total 1741238247 kmers, 1257723248 bytes occupied (5.77852 bits per kmer). mimalloc: warning: unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (6970933248 bytes, address: 0x14ef6c800000, alignment: 67108864, commit: 1) 0:51:46.177 32G / 32G INFO General (coverage_hash_map_builder.: 49) Collecting k-mer coverage information from reads, this takes a while. Command error: INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_TMPDIR is set, but APPTAINERENV_TMPDIR is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_TASK_WORKDIR is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_TASK_WORKDIR is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_DEBUG is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_DEBUG is preferred /usr/local/share/spades/spades_pipeline/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d' return [atoi(c) for c in re.split("(\d+)", text)] Work dir: /mmfs1/gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20241104_denovo/work/63/255e0574cfc25ee30ab75bbc073198 Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`
nextflow run nf-core/denovotranscript -c /gscratch/srlab/strigg/bin/uw_hyak_srlab.config --input /gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20240925/samplesheet/samplesheet.csv --outdir /gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20241104_denovo '--extra_fastp_args=--trim_front1 10 --trim_front2 10' --remove_ribo_rna --assemblers rnaspades -resume -with-report nf_report.html -with-trace -with-timeline nf_timeline.html
, revision master
(commit hash 27bb1e7924f01fa1e9cd624aeddc7d11b7a8c5fe
)These plots give an overview of the distribution of resource usage for each process.
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