--- title: "18-PMEA-piRNA-proTRAC" author: "Javier Rodriguez-Casariego" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: html --- ```{r, engine='bash'} # Remove redundant reads from trimmed fastqs, keep reads between 25 and 35 nt, remove low complexity reads and change the format for SeqMap alignment for f in /scratch/jeirinlo/jrodr979/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240513_PIWI_pipeline/PMEA/*.fq do perl NGSToolbox/TBr2_collapse.pl -i ${f} -o ${f}.collapsed perl NGSToolbox/TBr2_length-filter.pl -i ${f}.collapsed -o ${f}.collapsed.filt -min 25 -max 35 perl NGSToolbox/TBr2_duster.pl -i ${f}.collapsed.filt done ``` ```{r, engine='bash'} # concatenate reads in a single file per species cat /scratch/jeirinlo/jrodr979/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240513_PIWI_pipeline/PMEA/*.collapsed.filt.no-dust > /scratch/jeirinlo/jrodr979/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240513_PIWI_pipeline/PMEA_filt_merged.fq ``` ```{r, engine='bash'} # Filter rRNA, tRNA, snRNAs, miRNAs, and snoRNAs reads (based in annotations on gff file non of these are piwi or related. ## There are no annotations of small RNAs for any porites, performed de novo tRNA and rRNA prediction based on the available reference genome assemblies cd /scrach/jeirinlo/javirodr/snRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA # for tRNA annotation I used tRNAscan-SE with default settings conda activate trnascan_env tRNAscan-SE \ -o PMEA-tRNA.out \ -f PMEA-tRNA_struct.out \ -s PMEA-tRNA_isospecific.out \ -m PMEA-tRNA_stats.out \ -b PMEA-tRNA.bed \ -j PMEA-tRNA.gff3 \ -a PMEA-tRNA.fasta \ -d \ --thread 8 \ Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta conda deactivate # for rRNA RNAmmer is not available through conda and has not been supported for a while. Therefore I used barRNAp https://github.com/tseemann/barrnap conda activate barrnap_env barrnap \ --kingdom euk \ --threads 8 \ --outseq PMEA-rRNA.fasta \ Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta conda deactivate # extract hairpin-miRNA, siRNA and other annotations from ShortStack results grep -v '^#' PMEA_shortStackResults.gff3 | cut -s -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn grep $'\tsiRNA' PMEA_shortStackResults.gff3 > PMEA.GFFannotation.siRNA.gff grep $'\tMIRNA_hairpin\t' PMEA_shortStackResults.gff3 > PMEA.GFFannotation.precursor_miRNA.gff bedtools getfasta -fi Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta -bed PMEA.GFFannotation.siRNA.gff -fo PMEA_siRNA.fasta bedtools getfasta -fi Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta -bed PMEA.GFFannotation.precursor_miRNA.gff -fo PMEA_precursor_miRNA.fasta cat PMEA-rRNA.fasta PMEA-tRNA.fasta PMEA_siRNA.fasta PMEA_precursor_miRNA.fasta > PMEA_otherSmallRNAs.filt.fasta ``` ```{r, engine='bash'} ## use sortmerna to clear reads that match the fasta conda activate sortmerna_env sortmerna \ --ref /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/PMEA_otherSmallRNAs.filt.fasta \ --reads /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240513_PIWI_pipeline/PMEA_filt_merged.fq \ --workdir /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240514_sortMerna/PMEA/ \ --fastx \ --other # align clean reads to the genome cp 20240514_sortMerna/PMEA/out/other.fq 20240513_PIWI_pipeline/PMEA_merged_preproc # simplify fasta headers on genome to include only the scaffold or chr name. proTRAC dont go well with long headers sed 's/^>\([^ ]*\).*/>\1/' Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta > Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fa # option 1 perl code/NGSToolbox/sRNAmapper.pl \ -input 20240513_PIWI_pipeline/PMEA_merged_preproc \ -genome /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fa \ -alignments best ``` ```{r, engine='bash'} # define origin for multiple mapping reads using reallocate perl code/NGSToolbox/reallocate.pl PMEA_merged_preproc.map 10000 1000 b 0 ``` ```{r, engine='bash'} # run proTRAC on merged mapped reads using the gene tracks and the RepeatMasker output perl ../code/NGSToolbox/proTRAC_2.4.2.pl \ -map PMEA_merged_preproc.map.weighted-10000-1000-b-0 \ -genome ../genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fa \ -repeatmasker ../genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta.out \ -geneset ../genomes/PMEA/ Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.genes.gff3 # Output folder is proTRAC_PMEA_merged_preproc.map.weighted-10000-1000-b-0_2024y6m16d8h19m14s ``` ## I wanted to also run proTRAC on individual datasets and then merge clusters. This has been done by the authors of the software and it produces different clusters. ```{r, engine='bash'} #PMEA all samples individually for re-cluster, genomic features, and ping/pong analysis for f in *.no-dust do mkdir /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240617_ProTRAC_individual_samples/PMEA/sortmerna/${f/-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged.fq.collapsed.filt.no-dust} sortmerna \ --ref /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/PMEA_otherSmallRNAs.filt.fasta \ --reads /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240617_ProTRAC_individual_samples/PMEA/${f} \ --workdir /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/20240617_ProTRAC_individual_samples/PMEA/sortmerna/${f/-S1-TP2-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged.fq.collapsed.filt.no-dust} \ --fastx \ --other done #Obtain piRNA length distribution for f in $(find "." -name '*_preproc') do output=piRNA_length_data/${f/_preproc}_piRNA_length.txt; cat $f | awk '{if(NR%4==1) {printf(">%s\n",substr($0,2));} else if(NR%4==2) print;}'| awk '$0 ~ ">" {print c; c=0;printf substr($0,2,10) "\t"; } $0 !~ ">" {c+=length($0);} END { print c; }' | sed '/^$/d' | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $1,$2}' > $output done # pre-process piRNA fastq files for logo plot generation # creates a fasta file with headers removed for f in $(find "." -name '*_preproc') do output=${f/_preproc}_piRNA_reduced_PMEA.fa; cat $f | awk '{if(NR%4==1) {printf(">%s\n",substr($0,2));} else if(NR%4==2) print;}' | awk '/^>/{ seqlen=0; print; next; } seqlen < 24 { if (seqlen + length($0) > 24) $0 = substr($0, 1, 24-seqlen); seqlen += length($0); print }' | sed '/^>/d' > $output done #replace T with U cat *_piRNA_reduced_PMEA.fa > total_fasta_PMEA.fasta sed 's/T/U/g' total_fasta_PMEA.fasta > total_fasta_PMEA_replaced.fasta # Map to the genome for f in *preproc do perl /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/code/NGSToolbox/sRNAmapper.pl \ -input ${f} \ -genome /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fa \ -alignments best done for f in *map do perl /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/code/NGSToolbox/reallocate.pl ${f} 10000 1000 b 0 done for f in *.weighted-10000-1000-b-0 do perl /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/code/NGSToolbox/proTRAC_2.4.4.pl \ -map ${f} \ -genome /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fa \ -repeatmasker /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.assembly.fasta.out \ -geneset /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/genomes/PMEA/Pocillopora_meandrina_HIv1.genes.gff3 done # Parse proTRAC output into a 5-bedfile with cluster coordinates, a summary file with general stats, and a .tab file with other cluster characteristics # use the parse_proTRAC.pl script developed by https://github.com/agata-sm/ # create a results folder and move result.table there mkdir proTRAC_results_PMEA for f in proTRAC_sRNA-POC-* do cp ${f}/results.table proTRAC_results_PMEA/results.table.${f/_preproc.map.weighted-10000-100*} done for f in proTRAC_results_PMEA/results.table* do perl /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/code/parse_proTRAC.pl \ --infile ${f} \ --outdir proTRAC_results_PMEA/ done # Merge clusters across samples. To get a good representation of clusters I selected clusters which are present in at least two replicates, and the overlap is by at least 50% of the cluster length and is reciprocal (i.e. A overlaps 50% of B and B overlaps 50% of A): # Using bedtools first: FILES=(proTRAC_results_PMEA/*.proTRAC.bed) NUM_FILES=${#FILES[@]} # Loop over each file for (( i=0; i<$NUM_FILES; i++ )); do for (( j=i+1; j<$NUM_FILES; j++ )); do FILE1=${FILES[$i]} FILE2=${FILES[$j]} intersectBed -a $FILE1 -b $FILE2 -f 0.5 -r > proTRAC_results_PMEA/${i}_${j}_merged.bed done done bedops -m *_merged.bed > PMEA.merged.clusters.bed # Run ping pong ID on all mapped reads for f in *.weighted-10000-1000-b-0 do perl /scratch/jeirinlo/javirodr/sncRNA_E5_corals/code/NGSToolbox/TBr2_pingpong.pl \ -i ${f} \ -o ${f}.pp done ```