#ifndef BOOST_MPL_MAP_AUX_AT_IMPL_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_MPL_MAP_AUX_AT_IMPL_HPP_INCLUDED // Copyright Aleksey Gurtovoy 2003-2004 // Copyright David Abrahams 2003-2004 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // See http://www.boost.org/libs/mpl for documentation. // $Id$ // $Date$ // $Revision$ #include <boost/mpl/at_fwd.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/long.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/map/aux_/tag.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/order_impl.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/overload_names.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/type_wrapper.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/ptr_to_ref.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/static_cast.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/typeof.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/ctps.hpp> #if !defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_TYPEOF_BASED_SEQUENCES) # include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/pair.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/void.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/static_constant.hpp> #endif namespace boost { namespace mpl { #if defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_TYPEOF_BASED_SEQUENCES) template< typename Map, typename Key > struct m_at { typedef aux::type_wrapper<Key> key_; typedef __typeof__( BOOST_MPL_AUX_OVERLOAD_CALL_VALUE_BY_KEY( Map , BOOST_MPL_AUX_STATIC_CAST(key_*, 0) ) ) type; }; template<> struct at_impl< aux::map_tag > { template< typename Map, typename Key > struct apply : aux::wrapped_type< typename m_at< Map , Key >::type > { }; }; // agurt 31/jan/04: two-step implementation for the sake of GCC 3.x template< typename Map, long order > struct item_by_order_impl { typedef __typeof__( BOOST_MPL_AUX_OVERLOAD_CALL_ITEM_BY_ORDER( Map , BOOST_MPL_AUX_STATIC_CAST(long_<order>*, 0) ) ) type; }; template< typename Map, long order > struct item_by_order : aux::wrapped_type< typename item_by_order_impl<Map,order>::type > { }; #else // BOOST_MPL_CFG_TYPEOF_BASED_SEQUENCES # if !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION) template< typename Map, long n > struct m_at { typedef void_ type; }; # else template< long n > struct m_at_impl { template< typename Map > struct result_ { typedef void_ type; }; }; template< typename Map, long n > struct m_at { typedef typename m_at_impl<n>::result_<Map>::type type; }; # endif template<> struct at_impl< aux::map_tag > { template< typename Map, typename Key > struct apply { typedef typename m_at< Map, (x_order_impl<Map,Key>::value - 2) >::type item_; typedef typename eval_if< is_void_<item_> , void_ , second<item_> >::type type; }; }; template< typename Map, long order > struct is_item_masked { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = sizeof( BOOST_MPL_AUX_OVERLOAD_CALL_IS_MASKED( Map , BOOST_MPL_AUX_STATIC_CAST(long_<order>*, 0) ) ) == sizeof(aux::yes_tag) ); }; template< typename Map, long order > struct item_by_order { typedef typename eval_if_c< is_item_masked<Map,order>::value , void_ , m_at<Map,(order - 2)> >::type type; }; #endif }} #endif // BOOST_MPL_SET_AUX_AT_IMPL_HPP_INCLUDED