#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (C) 2009 Genome Research Ltd. # Portions copyright (C) 2009-2011 Broad Institute. # # Author: Heng Li # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; die (qq/ Usage: wgsim_eval.pl Command: alneval evaluate alignment in the SAM format vareval evaluate variant calls in the pileup format unique keep the top scoring hit in SAM uniqcmp compare two alignments without multiple hits \n/) if (@ARGV == 0); my $command = shift(@ARGV); if ($command eq 'alneval') { &alneval; } elsif ($command eq 'vareval') { &vareval; } elsif ($command eq 'unique') { &unique; } elsif ($command eq 'uniqcmp') { &uniqcmp; } else { die("[wgsim_eval] unrecognized command.\n"); } exit; sub alneval { my %opts = (g=>5); getopts('pcag:', \%opts); die(qq/ Usage: wgsim_eval.pl alneval [options] \n Options: -p print wrong alignments -g INT correct if withint INT of the true coordinate -a generate ROC curves The default output has columns of mapping quality, number of correct alignments \/ total number of alignments at that mapping quality, cumulative sum of number of alignments, and the ratio of cumulative correct alignments over cumulative total alignments. The -a option outputs columns with mapping quality, number of mapped reads with mqual >= the mqual in the first column, and the number of mismapped reads. Together they can be used to produce ROC curves for accuracy of aligners. \n/) if (@ARGV == 0 && -t STDIN); my (@c0, @c1, %fnfp); my ($max_q, $flag) = (0, 0); my $gap = $opts{g}; $flag |= 1 if (defined $opts{p}); $flag |= 2 if (defined $opts{c}); while (<>) { next if (/^\@/); my @t = split("\t"); next if (@t < 11); my $line = $_; my ($q, $is_correct, $chr, $left, $rght) = (int($t[4]/10), 1, $t[2], $t[3], $t[3]); $max_q = $q if ($q > $max_q); # right coordinate $_ = $t[5]; s/(\d+)[MDN=X]/$rght+=$1,'x'/eg; --$rght; # correct for clipping my ($left0, $rght0) = ($left, $rght); $left -= $1 if (/^(\d+)[SH]/); $rght += $1 if (/(\d+)[SH]$/); $left0 -= $1 if (/(\d+)[SH]$/); $rght0 += $1 if (/^(\d+)[SH]/); # skip unmapped reads next if (($t[1]&0x4) || $chr eq '*'); # parse read name and check if ($t[0] =~ /^(\S+)_(\d+)_(\d+)_/) { if ($1 ne $chr) { # different chr $is_correct = 0; } else { if ($flag & 2) { if (($t[1]&0x40) && !($t[1]&0x10)) { # F3, forward $is_correct = 0 if (abs($2 - $left) > $gap && abs($2 - $left0) > $gap); } elsif (($t[1]&0x40) && ($t[1]&0x10)) { # F3, reverse $is_correct = 0 if (abs($3 - $rght) > $gap && abs($3 - $rght0) > $gap); } elsif (($t[1]&0x80) && !($t[1]&0x10)) { # R3, forward $is_correct = 0 if (abs($3 - $left) > $gap && abs($3 - $left0) > $gap); } else { # R3, reverse $is_correct = 0 if (abs($2 - $rght) > $gap && abs($3 - $rght0) > $gap); } } else { if ($t[1] & 0x10) { # reverse $is_correct = 0 if (abs($3 - $rght) > $gap && abs($3 - $rght0) > $gap); # in case of indels that are close to the end of a reads } else { $is_correct = 0 if (abs($2 - $left) > $gap && abs($2 - $left0) > $gap); } } } } else { warn("[wgsim_eval] read '$t[0]' was not generated by wgsim?\n"); next; } ++$c0[$q]; ++$c1[$q] unless ($is_correct); @{$fnfp{$t[4]}} = (0, 0) unless (defined $fnfp{$t[4]}); ++$fnfp{$t[4]}[0]; ++$fnfp{$t[4]}[1] unless ($is_correct); print STDERR $line if (($flag&1) && !$is_correct && $q > 0); } # print my ($cc0, $cc1) = (0, 0); if (!defined($opts{a})) { for (my $i = $max_q; $i >= 0; --$i) { $c0[$i] = 0 unless (defined $c0[$i]); $c1[$i] = 0 unless (defined $c1[$i]); $cc0 += $c0[$i]; $cc1 += $c1[$i]; printf("%.2dx %12d / %-12d %12d %.3e\n", $i, $c1[$i], $c0[$i], $cc0, $cc1/$cc0) if ($cc0); } } else { for (reverse(sort {$a<=>$b} (keys %fnfp))) { next if ($_ == 0); $cc0 += $fnfp{$_}[0]; $cc1 += $fnfp{$_}[1]; print join("\t", $_, $cc0, $cc1), "\n"; } } } sub vareval { my %opts = (g=>10, Q=>200); getopts('g:p', \%opts); my $skip = $opts{g}; die("Usage: wgsim_eval.pl vareval [-g $opts{g}] \n") if (@ARGV < 1); my $is_print = defined($opts{p})? 1 : 0; my ($fh, %snp, %indel); # read simulated variants open($fh, $ARGV[0]) || die; while (<$fh>) { my @t = split; if (@t != 5 || $t[2] eq '-' || $t[3] eq '-') { $indel{$t[0]}{$t[1]} = 1; } else { $snp{$t[0]}{$t[1]} = $t[3]; } } close($fh); shift(@ARGV); my (@cnt); for my $i (0 .. 3) { for my $j (0 .. $opts{Q}) { $cnt[$i][$j] = 0; } } while (<>) { my @t = split; my $q = $t[5]; next if ($t[2] eq $t[3]); $q = $opts{Q} if ($q > $opts{Q}); if ($t[2] eq '*') { my $hit = 0; ++$cnt[2][$q]; for my $i ($t[1] - $skip .. $t[1] + $skip) { if (defined $indel{$t[0]}{$i}) { $hit = 1; last; } } ++$cnt[3][$q] if ($hit == 0); print STDERR $_ if ($hit == 0 && $is_print); } else { ++$cnt[0][$q]; ++$cnt[1][$q] unless (defined $snp{$t[0]}{$t[1]}); print STDERR $_ if (!defined($snp{$t[0]}{$t[1]}) && $is_print); } } for (my $i = $opts{Q} - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $cnt[$_][$i] += $cnt[$_][$i+1] for (0 .. 3); } for (my $i = $opts{Q}; $i >= 0; --$i) { print join("\t", $i, $cnt[0][$i], $cnt[1][$i], $cnt[2][$i], $cnt[3][$i]), "\n"; } } sub unique { # -f: parameter to recalute mapping quality # -Q: do not recalculate mapping quality # -a, -b, -q, -r: scoring system my %opts = (f=>250.0, q=>5, r=>2, a=>1, b=>3); getopts('Qf:q:r:a:b:m', \%opts); die(qq/ Usage: wgsim_eval.pl unique [options] \n Options: -Q recompuate mapping quality from multiple hits -f FLOAT mapQ=FLOAT*(best1-best2)\/best1 [opts{f}] -a INT matching score (when AS tag is absent) [$opts{a}] -q INT gap open penalty [$opts{q}] -r INT gap extension penalty [$opts{r}] \n/) if (@ARGV == 0 && -t STDIN); my $last = ''; my $recal_Q = defined($opts{Q}); my $multi_only = defined($opts{m}); my @a; while (<>) { my $score = -1; print $_ if (/^\@/); $score = $1 if (/AS:i:(\d+)/); my @t = split("\t"); next if (@t < 11); if ($score < 0) { # AS tag is unavailable my $cigar = $t[5]; my ($mm, $go, $ge) = (0, 0, 0); $cigar =~ s/(\d+)[ID]/++$go,$ge+=$1/eg; $cigar = $t[5]; $cigar =~ s/(\d+)M/$mm+=$1/eg; $score = $mm * $opts{a} - $go * $opts{q} - $ge * $opts{r}; # no mismatches... } $score = 1 if ($score < 1); if ($t[0] ne $last) { &unique_aux(\@a, $opts{f}, $recal_Q, $multi_only) if (@a); $last = $t[0]; } push(@a, [$score, \@t]); } &unique_aux(\@a, $opts{f}, $recal_Q, $multi_only) if (@a); } sub unique_aux { my ($a, $fac, $is_recal, $multi_only) = @_; my ($max, $max2, $max_i) = (0, 0, -1); for (my $i = 0; $i < @$a; ++$i) { if ($a->[$i][0] > $max) { $max2 = $max; $max = $a->[$i][0]; $max_i = $i; } elsif ($a->[$i][0] > $max2) { $max2 = $a->[$i][0]; } } if ($is_recal) { if (!$multi_only || @$a > 1) { my $q = int($fac * ($max - $max2) / $max + .499); $q = 250 if ($q > 250); $a->[$max_i][1][4] = $q < 250? $q : 250; } } print join("\t", @{$a->[$max_i][1]}); @$a = (); } sub uniqcmp { my %opts = (q=>20, s=>100, b=>4); getopts('pq:s:b:', \%opts); die(qq/ Usage: wgsim_eval.pl uniqcmp [options] \n Options: -q INT confident mapping if mapping quality above INT [$opts{q}] -s INT same mapping if the distance below INT [$opts{s}] -b INT penalty for a difference [$opts{b}] \n/) if (@ARGV < 2); my ($fh, %a); warn("[uniqcmp] read the first file...\n"); &uniqcmp_aux($ARGV[0], \%a, 0, $opts{b}); warn("[uniqcmp] read the second file...\n"); &uniqcmp_aux($ARGV[1], \%a, 1, $opts{b}); warn("[uniqcmp] stats...\n"); my @cnt; $cnt[$_] = 0 for (0..9); for my $x (keys %a) { my $p = $a{$x}; my $z; if (defined($p->[0]) && defined($p->[1])) { $z = ($p->[0][0] == $p->[1][0] && $p->[0][1] eq $p->[1][1] && abs($p->[0][2] - $p->[1][2]) < $opts{s})? 0 : 1; if ($p->[0][3] >= $opts{q} && $p->[1][3] >= $opts{q}) { ++$cnt[$z*3+0]; } elsif ($p->[0][3] >= $opts{q}) { ++$cnt[$z*3+1]; } elsif ($p->[1][3] >= $opts{q}) { ++$cnt[$z*3+2]; } print STDERR "$x\t$p->[0][1]:$p->[0][2]\t$p->[0][3]\t$p->[0][4]\t$p->[1][1]:$p->[1][2]\t$p->[1][3]\t$p->[1][4]\t", $p->[0][5]-$p->[1][5], "\n" if ($z && defined($opts{p}) && ($p->[0][3] >= $opts{q} || $p->[1][3] >= $opts{q})); } elsif (defined($p->[0])) { ++$cnt[$p->[0][3]>=$opts{q}? 6 : 7]; print STDERR "$x\t$p->[0][1]:$p->[0][2]\t$p->[0][3]\t$p->[0][4]\t*\t0\t*\t", $p->[0][5], "\n" if (defined($opts{p}) && $p->[0][3] >= $opts{q}); } else { print STDERR "$x\t*\t0\t*\t$p->[1][1]:$p->[1][2]\t$p->[1][3]\t$p->[1][4]\t", -$p->[1][5], "\n" if (defined($opts{p}) && $p->[1][3] >= $opts{q}); ++$cnt[$p->[1][3]>=$opts{q}? 8 : 9]; } } print "Consistent (high, high): $cnt[0]\n"; print "Consistent (high, low ): $cnt[1]\n"; print "Consistent (low , high): $cnt[2]\n"; print "Inconsistent (high, high): $cnt[3]\n"; print "Inconsistent (high, low ): $cnt[4]\n"; print "Inconsistent (low , high): $cnt[5]\n"; print "Second missing (high): $cnt[6]\n"; print "Second missing (low ): $cnt[7]\n"; print "First missing (high): $cnt[8]\n"; print "First missing (low ): $cnt[9]\n"; } sub uniqcmp_aux { my ($fn, $a, $which, $b) = @_; my $fh; $fn = "samtools view $fn |" if ($fn =~ /\.bam/); open($fh, $fn) || die; while (<$fh>) { my @t = split; next if (@t < 11); # my $l = ($t[5] =~ /^(\d+)S/)? $1 : 0; my $l = 0; my ($x, $nm) = (0, 0); $nm = $1 if (/NM:i:(\d+)/); $_ = $t[5]; s/(\d+)[M=XI]/$x+=$1/eg; @{$a->{$t[0]}[$which]} = (($t[1]&0x10)? 1 : 0, $t[2], $t[3]-$l, $t[4], "$x:$nm", $x - $b * $nm); } close($fh); }