#!/usr/bin/env perl # The MIT License # Copyright (c) 2014 Genome Research Ltd. # Author: Rob Davies # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # Import references into a cram reference cache from fasta files. # See below __END__ for POD documentation. use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Path 'make_path'; use IO::Handle; $| = 1; # Directory where the cache will be built my $root_dir; # Number of subdirectories to make below $root_dir # Each subdir will eat up two hex digits of the file MD5 my $subdirs = 2; # Directory tree to search when using the -find option my $find = ''; # How much data to read before spilling to a file my $max_acc = 256 * 1024 * 1024; my $usage = "Usage: $0 -root [-subdirs ] input1.fasta ...\n $0 -root [-subdirs ] -find \n"; # Deal with options GetOptions("root=s" => \$root_dir, "subdirs=s" => \$subdirs, "find=s" => \$find) || die $usage; unless ($root_dir && $subdirs =~ /^\d+$/) { die $usage; } if ($subdirs >= 16) { die "$0: Error: -subdirs should be less than 15.\n"; } # Regexp to convert a hex MD5 to a list of $subdirs subdirectory names, the # remainder making the filename in the leaf directory my $dest_regexp = "(..)" x $subdirs . "(" . ".." x (16 - $subdirs) . ")"; my $dest_re = qr/$dest_regexp/; # Ensure $root_dir exists unless (-e $root_dir) { make_path($root_dir); } if ($find) { # Find mode - search a directory tree for anything that looks like a # fasta file. Any that are found will be put into the new cache, if # they are not already there. find({ wanted => sub { find_files($File::Find::name, $root_dir, $dest_re, $max_acc); }, no_chdir => 1, }, $find); } elsif (@ARGV) { # If a list of files was given on the command line, go through them # and try to add each one. foreach my $name (@ARGV) { open(my $fh, '<', $name) || die "Couldn't open $name: $!\n"; process_file($name, $fh, $root_dir, $dest_re, $max_acc); close($fh) || die "Error closing $name: $!\n"; } } else { # Otherwise read from STDIN process_file('STDIN', \*STDIN, $root_dir, $dest_re, $max_acc); } exit; sub find_files { my ($name, $root_dir, $dest_re, $max_acc) = @_; # See if $name is a candidate file my $fh; return if ($name =~ /~$/); # Ignore backup files return unless (-f $name && -r _); # Ignore non-regular and unreadable files # Inspect the first two lines of the candidate my $buffer; open($fh, '<', $name) || die "Couldn't open $name: $!\n"; read($fh, $buffer, 8192); # Should be enough to find the header & sequence close($fh) || die "Error closing $name: $!\n"; my ($l1, $l2) = split(/\n/, $buffer); # Check for fasta-like content return unless ($l1 && $l1 =~ /^>\S+/); return unless ($l2 && $l2 =~ /^[ACGTMRWSYKVHDBNacgtmrwsykvhdbn]+$/); # Looks like a fasta file, so process it open($fh, '<', $name) || die "Couldn't open $name: $!\n"; process_file($name, $fh, $root_dir, $dest_re, $max_acc); close($fh) || die "Error closing $name: $!\n"; } sub process_file { my ($name, $in_fh, $root_dir, $dest_re, $max_acc) = @_; # Process the fasta file $in_fh. Each entry in the file is read, and # the MD5 calculated as described in the SAM specification (i.e. # all uppercased with whitespace stripped out). The MD5 is then # split using $dest_re to convert it into the path name for the entry # in the cache. If the path is not already present, the entry (in # uppercased and stripped form) is saved into the cache. # Entries shorter that $max_acc will be kept in memory. For fasta files # with lots of short entries this can save a lot of unnecessary writing # if the data is already in the cache. Anything longer # gets written out to a file to keep memory consumption under control. # The temporary files have to be made in $root_dir, as the final # destination is not known until the entry has been completely read. my $id; # Name of current fasta entry my $ctx; # MD5 context my $acc = ''; # The accumulated sequence my $tmpfile; # Temporary file name my $tmpfh; # Temporary file handle my $extra = 1024; # Extra space to pre-allocate to account for reading # 1 line past $max_acc vec($acc, $max_acc + $extra, 8) = 1; # Pre-allocate some space $acc = ''; # Use an eval block so any stray temporary file can be cleaned up before # exiting. eval { print "Reading $name ...\n"; for (;;) { # Error catching form of while (<>) {...} undef($!); last if (eof($in_fh)); # Needed if last line isn't terminated unless (defined($_ = readline($in_fh))) { die "Error reading $name: $!" if $!; last; # EOF } if (/^>(\S+)/) { # Found a fasta header if ($ctx) { # Finish previous entry, if there is one finish_entry($id, $ctx, \$acc, $tmpfh, $tmpfile, $root_dir, $dest_re); undef($tmpfile); $acc = ''; } $id = $1; $ctx = Digest::MD5->new(); } else { unless ($id) { die "Found sequence with no header\n"; } # Read some sequence chomp; s/\s+//g; if ($_) { $_ = uc($_); $acc .= $_; $ctx->add($_); if (length($acc) > $max_acc) { # Spill long sequences out to a temporary file in # $root_dir. unless ($tmpfile) { ($tmpfh, $tmpfile) = tempfile(DIR => $root_dir, SUFFIX => '.tmp'); } print $tmpfh $acc || die "Error writing to $tmpfile: $!\n"; $acc = ''; } } } } if ($ctx) { # Finish off the last entry finish_entry($id, $ctx, \$acc, $tmpfh, $tmpfile, $root_dir, $dest_re); undef($tmpfile); } }; my $err = $@; if ($tmpfile) { unlink($tmpfile); } if ($err) { die $err; } } sub finish_entry { my ($id, $ctx, $acc_ref, $tmpfh, $tmpfile, $root_dir, $dest_re) = @_; # Finish writing an entry my $digest = $ctx->hexdigest; # Get the destination directory and filename my @segs = $digest =~ /$dest_re/; my $dest_dir = (@segs > 1 ? catdir($root_dir, @segs[0..($#segs - 1)]) : $root_dir); my $dest = catfile($dest_dir, $segs[-1]); # Make the destination dir if necessary unless (-e $dest_dir) { make_path($dest_dir); } if (-e $dest) { # If the file is already present, there's nothing to do apart from # remove the temporary file if it was made. print "Already exists: $digest $id\n"; if ($tmpfile) { close($tmpfh) || die "Error closing $tmpfile: $!\n"; unlink($tmpfile) || die "Couldn't remove $tmpfile: $!\n"; } } else { # Need to add the data to the cache. unless ($tmpfile) { # If the data hasn't been written already, it needs to be done # now. Write to a temp file in $dest_dir so if it goes wrong # we won't leave a file with the right name but half-written # content. ($tmpfh, $tmpfile) = tempfile(DIR => $dest_dir, SUFFIX => '.tmp'); } # Assert that the $tmpfile is now set unless ($tmpfile) { die "Error: Didn't make a temp file"; } eval { # Flush out any remaining data if ($$acc_ref) { print $tmpfh $$acc_ref || die "Error writing to $tmpfile: $!\n"; } # Paranoid file close $tmpfh->flush() || die "Error flushing to $tmpfile: $!\n"; $tmpfh->sync() || die "Error syncing $tmpfile: $!\n"; close($tmpfh) || die "Error writing to $tmpfile: $!\n"; }; if ($@) { # Attempt to clean up if writing failed my $save = $@; unlink($tmpfile) || warn "Couldn't remove $tmpfile: $!"; die $save; } # Finished writing, and everything is flushed as far as possible # so rename the temp file print "$dest $id\n"; rename($tmpfile, $dest) || die "Error moving $tmpfile to $dest: $!\n"; } } __END__ =head1 NAME seq_cache_populate.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS seq_cache_populate.pl -root [-subdirs ] input1.fasta ... seq_cache_populate.pl -root [-subdirs ] -find =head1 DESCRIPTION Import references into a cram reference cache from fasta files. When run with a list of fasta files, this program reads the files and stores the sequences within it in the reference cache under directory . The sequences in the cache are stored with names based on the MD5 checksum of the sequence. By default, sequences are stored in a hierarchy two directories deep, to keep the number of items in a single directory to a reasonable number. This depth can be chaged using the -subdirs option. If the -find option is used, the program will scan the given directory tree. Any files that appear to be fasta (by looking for a first line starting with '>' followed by somthing that looks like DNA sequence) will be read and added to the reference cache. The traversal will ignore symbolic links. Samtools/htslib can be made to use the cache by appropriate setting of the REF_PATH environment varaiable. For example, if seq_cache_populate was run using options '-root /tmp/ref_cache -subdirs 2', setting REF_PATH to '/tmp/ref_cache/%2s/%2s/%s' should allow samtools to find the references that it stored. Note that if no REF_PATH is specified, htslib will default to downloading from the EBI reference server and caching locally (see the samtools(1) man page for details), defaulting to $HOME/.cache/hts-ref/%2s/%2s/%s. This is functionally equivalent to running this tool with '-root $HOME/.cache/hts-ref -subdirs 2'. =head1 AUTHOR Rob Davies. =cut