#!/usr/bin/env perl # # # export2sam.pl converts GERALD export files to SAM format. # # # ########## License: # # The MIT License # # Original SAMtools work copyright (c) 2008-2009 Genome Research Ltd. # Modified SAMtools work copyright (c) 2010 Illumina, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # # # ########## ChangeLog: # # Version: 2.3.1 (18MAR2011) # # - Restore file '-' as stdin input. # # Version: 2.3.0 (24JAN2011) # # - Add support for export reserved chromosome name "CONTROL", # which is translated to optional field "XC:Z:CONTROL". # - Check for ".gz" file extension on export files and open # these as gzip pipes when the extension is found. # # Version: 2.2.0 (16NOV2010) # # - Remove any leading zeros in export fields: RUNNO,LANE,TILE,X,Y # - For export records with reserved chromosome name identifiers # "QC" and "RM", add the optional field "XC:Z:QC" or "XC:Z:RM" # to the SAM record, so that these cases can be distinguished # from other unmatched reads. # # Version: 2.1.0 (21SEP2010) # # - Additional export record error checking. # - Convert export records with chromomsome value of "RM" to unmapped # SAM records. # # Version: 2.0.0 (15FEB2010) # # Script updated by Illumina in conjunction with CASAVA 1.7.0 # release. # # Major changes are as follows: # - The CIGAR string has been updated to include all gaps from # ELANDv2 alignments. # - The ELAND single read alignment score is always stored in the # optional "SM" field and the ELAND paired read alignment score # is stored in the optional "AS" field when it exists. # - The MAPQ value is set to the higher of the two alignment scores, # but no greater than 254, i.e. min(254,max(SM,AS)) # - The SAM "proper pair" bit (0x0002) is now set for read pairs # meeting ELAND's expected orientation and insert size criteria. # - The default quality score translation is set for export files # which contain Phread+64 quality values. An option, # "--qlogodds", has been added to translate quality values from # the Solexa+64 format used in export files prior to Pipeline # 1.3 # - The export match descriptor is now reverse-complemented when # necessary such that it always corresponds to the forward # strand of the reference, to be consistent with other # information in the SAM record. It is now written to the # optional 'XD' field (rather than 'MD') to acknowledge its # minor differences from the samtools match descriptor (see # additional detail below). # - An option, "--nofilter", has been added to include reads which # have failed primary analysis quality filtration. Such reads # will have the corresponding SAM flag bit (0x0200) set. # - Labels in the export 'contig' field are preserved by setting # RNAME to "$export_chromosome/$export_contig" when the contig # label exists. # # # Contact: lh3 # Version: 0.1.2 (03JAN2009) # # # ########## Known Conversion Limitations: # # - Export records for reads that map to a position < 1 (allowed # in export format), are converted to unmapped reads in the SAM # record. # - Export records contain the reserved chromosome names: "NM", # "QC","RM" and "CONTROL". "NM" indicates that the aligner could # not map the read to the reference sequence set. "QC" means that # the aligner did not attempt to map the read due to some # technical limitation. "RM" means that the read mapped to a set # of 'contaminant' sequences specified in GERALD's RNA-seq # workflow. "CONTROL" means that the read is a control. All of # these alignment types are collapsed to the single unmapped # alignment state in the SAM record, but the optional SAM "XC" # field is used to record the original reserved chromosome name of # the read for all but the "NM" case. # - The export match descriptor is slightly different than the # samtools match descriptor. For this reason it is stored in the # optional SAM field 'XD' (and not 'MD'). Note that the export # match descriptor differs from the samtools version in two # respects: (1) indels are explicitly closed with the '$' # character and (2) insertions must be enumerated in the match # descriptor. For example a 35-base read with a two-base insertion # is described as: 20^2$14 # # # my $version = "2.3.1"; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec; use List::Util qw(min max); use constant { EXPORT_MACHINE => 0, EXPORT_RUNNO => 1, EXPORT_LANE => 2, EXPORT_TILE => 3, EXPORT_X => 4, EXPORT_Y => 5, EXPORT_INDEX => 6, EXPORT_READNO => 7, EXPORT_READ => 8, EXPORT_QUAL => 9, EXPORT_CHROM => 10, EXPORT_CONTIG => 11, EXPORT_POS => 12, EXPORT_STRAND => 13, EXPORT_MD => 14, EXPORT_SEMAP => 15, EXPORT_PEMAP => 16, EXPORT_PASSFILT => 21, EXPORT_SIZE => 22, }; use constant { SAM_QNAME => 0, SAM_FLAG => 1, SAM_RNAME => 2, SAM_POS => 3, SAM_MAPQ => 4, SAM_CIGAR => 5, SAM_MRNM => 6, SAM_MPOS => 7, SAM_ISIZE => 8, SAM_SEQ => 9, SAM_QUAL => 10, }; # function prototypes for Richard's code sub match_desc_to_cigar($); sub match_desc_frag_length($); sub reverse_compl_match_descriptor($); sub write_header($;$;$); &export2sam; exit; sub export2sam { my $cmdline = $0 . " " . join(" ",@ARGV); my $arg_count = scalar @ARGV; my $progname = (File::Spec->splitpath($0))[2]; my $is_logodds_qvals = 0; # if true, assume files contain logodds (i.e. "solexa") quality values my $is_nofilter = 0; my $read1file; my $read2file; my $print_version = 0; my $help = 0; my $result = GetOptions( "qlogodds" => \$is_logodds_qvals, "nofilter" => \$is_nofilter, "read1=s" => \$read1file, "read2=s" => \$read2file, "version" => \$print_version, "help" => \$help ); my $usage = <) { $export_line_count++; my (@s1, @s2); &export2sam_aux($_, $export_line_count, \@s1, \@conv_table, $is_paired, 1, $is_nofilter); if ($is_paired) { my $read2line = <$fh2>; if(not $read2line){ die("\nERROR: read1 and read2 export files do not contain the same number of reads.\n Extra reads observed in read1 file at line no: $export_line_count.\n\n"); } &export2sam_aux($read2line, $export_line_count, \@s2, \@conv_table, $is_paired, 2, $is_nofilter); if (@s1 && @s2) { # then set mate coordinate if($s1[SAM_QNAME] ne $s2[SAM_QNAME]){ die("\nERROR: Non-paired reads in export files on line: $export_line_count.\n Read1: $_ Read2: $read2line\n"); } my $isize = 0; if ($s1[SAM_RNAME] ne '*' && $s1[SAM_RNAME] eq $s2[SAM_RNAME]) { # then calculate $isize my $x1 = ($s1[SAM_FLAG] & 0x10)? $s1[SAM_POS] + length($s1[SAM_SEQ]) : $s1[SAM_POS]; my $x2 = ($s2[SAM_FLAG] & 0x10)? $s2[SAM_POS] + length($s2[SAM_SEQ]) : $s2[SAM_POS]; $isize = $x2 - $x1; } foreach ([\@s1,\@s2,$isize],[\@s2,\@s1,-$isize]){ my ($sa,$sb,$is) = @{$_}; if ($sb->[SAM_RNAME] ne '*') { $sa->[SAM_MRNM] = ($sb->[SAM_RNAME] eq $sa->[SAM_RNAME]) ? "=" : $sb->[SAM_RNAME]; $sa->[SAM_MPOS] = $sb->[SAM_POS]; $sa->[SAM_ISIZE] = $is; $sa->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x20 if ($sb->[SAM_FLAG] & 0x10); } else { $sa->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x8; } } } } print join("\t", @s1), "\n" if (@s1); print join("\t", @s2), "\n" if (@s2 && $is_paired); } close($fh1); if($is_paired) { while(my $read2line = <$fh2>){ $export_line_count++; die("\nERROR: read1 and read2 export files do not contain the same number of reads.\n Extra reads observed in read2 file at line no: $export_line_count.\n\n"); } close($fh2); } } sub export2sam_aux { my ($line, $line_no, $s, $ct, $is_paired, $read_no, $is_nofilter) = @_; chomp($line); my @t = split("\t", $line); if(scalar(@t) < EXPORT_SIZE) { my $msg="\nERROR: Unexpected number of fields in export record on line $line_no of read$read_no export file. Found " . scalar(@t) . " fields but expected " . EXPORT_SIZE . ".\n"; $msg.="\t...erroneous export record:\n" . $line . "\n\n"; die($msg); } @$s = (); my $isPassFilt = ($t[EXPORT_PASSFILT] eq 'Y'); return if(not ($isPassFilt or $is_nofilter)); # read name my $samQnamePrefix = $t[EXPORT_MACHINE] . (($t[EXPORT_RUNNO] ne "") ? "_" . int($t[EXPORT_RUNNO]) : ""); $s->[SAM_QNAME] = join(':', $samQnamePrefix, int($t[EXPORT_LANE]), int($t[EXPORT_TILE]), int($t[EXPORT_X]), int($t[EXPORT_Y])); # initial flag (will be updated later) $s->[SAM_FLAG] = 0; if($is_paired) { if($t[EXPORT_READNO] != $read_no){ die("\nERROR: read$read_no export file contains record with read number: " .$t[EXPORT_READNO] . " on line: $line_no\n\n"); } $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 1 | 1<<(5 + $read_no); } $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x200 if (not $isPassFilt); # read & quality my $is_export_rev = ($t[EXPORT_STRAND] eq 'R'); if ($is_export_rev) { # then reverse the sequence and quality $s->[SAM_SEQ] = reverse($t[EXPORT_READ]); $s->[SAM_SEQ] =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; $s->[SAM_QUAL] = reverse($t[EXPORT_QUAL]); } else { $s->[SAM_SEQ] = $t[EXPORT_READ]; $s->[SAM_QUAL] = $t[EXPORT_QUAL]; } my @convqual = (); foreach (unpack('C*', $s->[SAM_QUAL])){ my $val=$ct->[$_]; if(not defined $val){ my $msg="\nERROR: can't interpret export quality value: " . $_ . " in read$read_no export file, line: $line_no\n"; if( $_ < 64 ) { $msg .= " Use --qlogodds flag to translate logodds (solexa) quality values.\n"; } die($msg . "\n"); } push @convqual,$val; } $s->[SAM_QUAL] = pack('C*',@convqual); # change coding # coor my $has_coor = 0; $s->[SAM_RNAME] = "*"; if (($t[EXPORT_CHROM] eq 'NM') or ($t[EXPORT_CHROM] eq 'QC') or ($t[EXPORT_CHROM] eq 'RM') or ($t[EXPORT_CHROM] eq 'CONTROL')) { $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x4; # unmapped push(@$s,"XC:Z:".$t[EXPORT_CHROM]) if($t[EXPORT_CHROM] ne 'NM'); } elsif ($t[EXPORT_CHROM] =~ /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) { $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x4; # TODO: should I set BAM_FUNMAP in this case? push(@$s, "H0:i:$1", "H1:i:$2", "H2:i:$3") } elsif ($t[EXPORT_POS] < 1) { $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x4; # unmapped } else { $s->[SAM_RNAME] = $t[EXPORT_CHROM]; $s->[SAM_RNAME] .= "/" . $t[EXPORT_CONTIG] if($t[EXPORT_CONTIG] ne ''); $has_coor = 1; } $s->[SAM_POS] = $has_coor? $t[EXPORT_POS] : 0; # print STDERR "t[14] = " . $t[14] . "\n"; my $matchDesc = ''; $s->[SAM_CIGAR] = "*"; if($has_coor){ $matchDesc = ($is_export_rev) ? reverse_compl_match_descriptor($t[EXPORT_MD]) : $t[EXPORT_MD]; if($matchDesc =~ /\^/){ # construct CIGAR string using Richard's function $s->[SAM_CIGAR] = match_desc_to_cigar($matchDesc); # indel processing } else { $s->[SAM_CIGAR] = length($s->[SAM_SEQ]) . "M"; } } # print STDERR "cigar_string = $cigar_string\n"; $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x10 if ($has_coor && $is_export_rev); if($has_coor){ my $semap = ($t[EXPORT_SEMAP] ne '') ? $t[EXPORT_SEMAP] : 0; my $pemap = 0; if($is_paired) { $pemap = ($t[EXPORT_PEMAP] ne '') ? $t[EXPORT_PEMAP] : 0; # set `proper pair' bit if non-blank, non-zero PE alignment score: $s->[SAM_FLAG] |= 0x02 if ($pemap > 0); } $s->[SAM_MAPQ] = min(254,max($semap,$pemap)); } else { $s->[SAM_MAPQ] = 0; } # mate coordinate $s->[SAM_MRNM] = '*'; $s->[SAM_MPOS] = 0; $s->[SAM_ISIZE] = 0; # aux push(@$s, "BC:Z:$t[EXPORT_INDEX]") if ($t[EXPORT_INDEX]); if($has_coor){ # The export match descriptor differs slightly from the samtools match descriptor. # In order for the converted SAM files to be as compliant as possible, # we put the export match descriptor in optional field 'XD' rather than 'MD': push(@$s, "XD:Z:$matchDesc"); push(@$s, "SM:i:$t[EXPORT_SEMAP]") if ($t[EXPORT_SEMAP] ne ''); push(@$s, "AS:i:$t[EXPORT_PEMAP]") if ($is_paired and ($t[EXPORT_PEMAP] ne '')); } } # # the following code is taken from Richard Shaw's sorted2sam.pl file # sub reverse_compl_match_descriptor($) { # print "\nREVERSING THE MATCH DESCRIPTOR!\n"; my ($match_desc) = @_; my $rev_compl_match_desc = reverse($match_desc); $rev_compl_match_desc =~ tr/ACGT\^\$/TGCA\$\^/; # Unreverse the digits of numbers. $rev_compl_match_desc = join('', map {($_ =~ /\d+/) ? join('', reverse(split('', $_))) : $_} split(/(\d+)/, $rev_compl_match_desc)); return $rev_compl_match_desc; } sub match_desc_to_cigar($) { my ($match_desc) = @_; my @match_desc_parts = split(/(\^.*?\$)/, $match_desc); my $cigar_str = ''; my $cigar_del_ch = 'D'; my $cigar_ins_ch = 'I'; my $cigar_match_ch = 'M'; foreach my $match_desc_part (@match_desc_parts) { next if (!$match_desc_part); if ($match_desc_part =~ /^\^([ACGTN]+)\$$/) { # Deletion $cigar_str .= (length($1) . $cigar_del_ch); } elsif ($match_desc_part =~ /^\^(\d+)\$$/) { # Insertion $cigar_str .= ($1 . $cigar_ins_ch); } else { $cigar_str .= (match_desc_frag_length($match_desc_part) . $cigar_match_ch); } } return $cigar_str; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub match_desc_frag_length($) { my ($match_desc_str) = @_; my $len = 0; my @match_desc_fields = split(/([ACGTN]+)/, $match_desc_str); foreach my $match_desc_field (@match_desc_fields) { next if ($match_desc_field eq ''); $len += (($match_desc_field =~ /(\d+)/) ? $1 : length($match_desc_field)); } return $len; } # argument holds the command line sub write_header($;$;$) { my ($progname,$version,$cl) = @_; my $complete_header = ""; $complete_header .= "\@PG\tID:$progname\tVN:$version\tCL:$cl\n"; return $complete_header; }