WARNING An augustus species is mentioned in the config file, dataset default species (fly) will be ignored INFO ****************** Start a BUSCO 3.0.2 analysis, current time: 07/21/2021 10:06:22 ****************** INFO Configuration loaded from /gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20210721_pcom_busco_cindaria_transcriptome_v1.0/config.ini INFO Init tools... INFO Check dependencies... INFO Check input file... INFO To reproduce this run: python /gscratch/srlab/programs/busco-v3/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /gscratch/srlab/sam/data/P_compressa/transcriptomes/pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta -o pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta -l /gscratch/srlab/sam/data/databases/BUSCO/metazoa_odb9/ -m transcriptome -c 40 --long -z INFO Mode is: transcriptome INFO The lineage dataset is: metazoa_odb9 (eukaryota) INFO Temp directory is ./tmp/ INFO ****** Step 1/2, current time: 07/21/2021 10:06:22 ****** INFO Create blast database... INFO [makeblastdb] Building a new DB, current time: 07/21/2021 10:06:23 INFO [makeblastdb] New DB name: /gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20210721_pcom_busco_cindaria_transcriptome_v1.0/tmp/pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta_1328453463 INFO [makeblastdb] New DB title: /gscratch/srlab/sam/data/P_compressa/transcriptomes/pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta INFO [makeblastdb] Sequence type: Nucleotide INFO [makeblastdb] Keep MBits: T INFO [makeblastdb] Maximum file size: 1000000000B INFO [makeblastdb] Adding sequences from FASTA; added 42425 sequences in 1.30796 seconds. INFO [makeblastdb] 1 of 1 task(s) completed at 07/21/2021 10:06:24 INFO Running tblastn, writing output to /gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20210721_pcom_busco_cindaria_transcriptome_v1.0/run_pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta/blast_output/tblastn_pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta.tsv... INFO [tblastn] Warning: [tblastn] Number of threads was reduced to 28 to match the number of available CPUs INFO [tblastn] 1 of 1 task(s) completed at 07/21/2021 10:07:15 INFO ****** Step 2/2, current time: 07/21/2021 10:07:15 ****** INFO Maximum number of candidate transcript per BUSCO limited to: 3 INFO Getting coordinates for candidate transcripts... INFO Extracting candidate transcripts... INFO Translating candidate transcripts... INFO Running HMMER to confirm transcript orthology: INFO [hmmsearch] 166 of 1652 task(s) completed at 07/21/2021 10:07:23 INFO [hmmsearch] 1652 of 1652 task(s) completed at 07/21/2021 10:07:26 INFO Results: INFO C:32.6%[S:22.4%,D:10.2%],F:46.4%,M:21.0%,n:978 INFO 319 Complete BUSCOs (C) INFO 219 Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S) INFO 100 Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D) INFO 454 Fragmented BUSCOs (F) INFO 205 Missing BUSCOs (M) INFO 978 Total BUSCO groups searched INFO BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 68.29794120788574 seconds INFO Results written in /gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20210721_pcom_busco_cindaria_transcriptome_v1.0/run_pcom_cnidaria_transcriptome_v1.0.fasta/