The workflow was completed at 2020-12-11T08:45:16.418635-05:00 (duration: 1d 16h 27m 54s)
The command used to launch the workflow was as follows:
nextflow run nf-core/methylseq -resume -profile singularity --aligner bismark --fasta /data/putnamlab/REFS/Pverr/Pver_genome_assembly_v1.0.fasta --save_reference --reads '/data/putnamlab/KITT/hputnam/20201206_Becker_WGBS/*_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz' --clip_r1 10 --clip_r2 10 --three_prime_clip_r1 10 --three_prime_clip_r2 10 --non_directional --cytosine_report --relax_mismatches --unmapped --outdir Becker_WGBS
Run Name | jovial_miescher |
Reads | /data/putnamlab/KITT/hputnam/20201206_Becker_WGBS/*_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz |
Aligner | bismark |
Data Type | Paired-End |
Fasta Ref | /data/putnamlab/REFS/Pverr/Pver_genome_assembly_v1.0.fasta |
Mismatch Func | L,0,-0.6 (Bismark default = L,0,-0.2) |
Trimming | 5'R1: 10 / 5'R2: 10 / 3'R1: 10 / 3'R2: 10 |
Deduplication | Yes |
Directional Mode | No |
All C Contexts | No |
Cytosine report | Yes |
Save Intermediates | Reference genome build, Unmapped reads |
Output dir | Becker_WGBS |
Launch dir | /data/putnamlab/hputnam/Becker_E5/WGBS_Becker_E5 |
Working dir | /data/putnamlab/hputnam/Becker_E5/WGBS_Becker_E5/work |
Pipeline dir | /home/hputnam/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/methylseq |
User | hputnam |
Config Profile | singularity |
Container | singularity - nfcore/methylseq:1.5 |
Max Resources | 128 GB memory, 16 cpus, 10d time per job |
Date Started | 2020-12-09T16:17:22.082655-05:00 |
Date Completed | 2020-12-11T08:45:16.418635-05:00 |
Pipeline script file path | /home/hputnam/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/methylseq/ |
Pipeline script hash ID | d7d6a111ff642984c26a75a9a4b2fafe |
Pipeline repository Git URL | |
Pipeline repository Git Commit | 4f31ed1792e3cc8ce0ea648b6ee8f541f70102f7 |
Pipeline Git branch/tag | master |
Nextflow Version | 20.04.1 |
Nextflow Build | 5335 |
Nextflow Compile Timestamp | 03-05-2020 19:37 UTC |