This script details analysis and bioinformatic steps to generate a gene count matrix from RNAseq data for the E5 Deep Dive Project. More information on this project can be found on the [GitHub repo]( # 1. Obtain RNAseq files from NCBI SRA ## Obtain SRR numbers First, we needed to obtain RNAseq files from NCBI from the project [PRJNA744403]( I first obtained a list of SRR numbers that identify the specific sequence files for RNAseq. I did this by going to [all SRA links for the project]( and selecting all the RNAseq files (32 total). In the upper right hand corner, I selected "Send to" and "File". This outputs a .txt file with a list of all SRR numbers. ## Download RNAseq files I then logged into Andromeda and created a folder for these files at `/data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive` with `raw`, `scripts`, and `refs` folders. Jill Ashey is also working on this project. I then copied the SRR identifiers from the .txt file produced above into a file in the `raw` folder using `nano SraAccList.txt` and pasting the identifiers. The file looks like this: ``` SRR15101688 SRR15101689 SRR15101690 SRR15101691 SRR15101692 SRR15101693 SRR15101694 SRR15101695 SRR15101696 SRR15101697 SRR15101699 SRR15101700 SRR15101701 SRR15101702 SRR15101703 SRR15101704 SRR15101705 SRR15101706 SRR15101707 SRR15101708 SRR15101710 SRR15101711 SRR15101712 SRR15101713 SRR15101715 SRR15101718 SRR15101719 SRR15101720 SRR15101721 SRR15101722 SRR15101723 SRR15101724 ``` Next, I downloaded the files using the [NCBI SRA Toolkit]( which is installed on Andromeda as module `SRA-Toolkit/2.10.9-gompi-2020b`. With the help of [Sam and Steven in the Roberts Lab](, I wrote a script to download the files. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH --error="download_sra_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="download_sra_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file module load SRA-Toolkit/2.10.9-gompi-2020b prefetch --option-file ../raw/SraAccList.txt -O ../raw #this creates a folder for each SRR in the .txt list and outputs in the raw data folder # Enable recursive globbing shopt -s globstar # Run fasterq-dump on any SRA file in any directory and split into read 1 and 2 files and put in raw folder for file in ../raw/**/*.sra do fasterq-dump --outdir ../raw --split-files "${file}" done #Remove the SRR directories that are no longer needed rm -r ../raw/SRR*/ #zip all files gzip ../raw/*.fastq #Generate checksums md5sum ../raw/*.fastq.gz > ../raw/ ``` `sbatch` This script uses `prefetch` to retrieve the data files for each SRR number and stores them in the `raw` data folder with a directory for each file. The `fasterq-dump` command then takes the `.sra` file from each directory and converts them to read 1 and read 2 fastq files. Finally, the SRR directories are removed that are no longer needed and we generate md5 checksums. This script can be used for any SRA download with a custom list of SRR numbers. ## Download reference files The genome is stored on [NCBI]( We downloaded the reference files from the [Reef Genomics Database]( ``` cd refs #genome scaffolds wget #gene models CDS wget #gene models proteins wget #gene models GFF wget #Generate checksums md5sum *.gz > ``` Finally, I updated permissions after all files were downloaded so Jill can collaborate on this project. `chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx,a=rwx -R e5-deepdive` Additional steps will be added to this post as we move forward. # 2. QC using FastQC and MultiQC Make directories for fastqc data `mkdir fastqc_raw` Write script for raw QC `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts #SBATCH --error="fastqc_raw_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="fastqc_raw_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file # Load modules needed module load FastQC/0.11.8-Java-1.8 module load MultiQC/1.9-intel-2020a-Python-3.8.2 echo "Start raw QC" $(date) cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq for file in /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/*fastq.gz do fastqc $file --outdir /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/fastqc_raw done echo "End raw QC" $(date) # Compile MultiQC report from fastQC files cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/fastqc_raw multiqc --interactive ./ echo "Cleaned MultiQC report generated." $(date) ``` Submitted batch job 243914. Script ran in ~4.5 hours. ## Raw sequence MultiQC summary: The raw MultiQC report [can be found on the E5 Deep Dive GitHub repo here]( There was high adapter content in these raw sequences. Overall, the quality score was high and there were no red flags in other metrics. ![fastqc_sequence_counts_plot]( ![fastqc_per_base_sequence_quality_plot]( ![fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot]( ![fastqc_per_sequence_gc_content_plot]( ![fastqc_per_base_n_content_plot]( ![fastqc_sequence_duplication_levels_plot]( ![fastqc_overrepresented_sequencesi_plot]( ![fastqc_adapter_content_plot]( # 3. Trimming sequences with FastP Make a script to trim sequences with FastP. We will be removing adapters, trimming poly-g, and trimming by quality phred score with a cut off of 30. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts #SBATCH --error="fastp_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="fastp_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file # Load modules needed module load fastp/0.19.7-foss-2018b echo "Start trimming with fastp" $(date) # Make array of sequences to trim cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw array1=($(ls *1.fastq.gz)) # fastq and fastqc loop for i in ${array1[@]}; do fastp --in1 ${i} \ --in2 $(echo ${i}|sed s/_1/_2/)\ --out1 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/trim.${i} \ --out2 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/trim.$(echo ${i}|sed s/_1/_2/) \ --detect_adapter_for_pe \ --qualified_quality_phred 30 \ --trim_poly_g done echo "Read trimming of adapters complete." $(date) ``` Submitted batch job 244006. Took about 8 hrs to run # 4. QC trimmed sequences Now we will QC the trimmed sequences. Make a script. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts #SBATCH --error="fastqc_trim_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="fastqc_trim_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file # Load modules needed module load FastQC/0.11.8-Java-1.8 module load MultiQC/1.9-intel-2020a-Python-3.8.2 echo "Start trimmed QC" $(date) cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq for file in /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/*fastq.gz do fastqc $file --outdir /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/fastqc_trim done echo "End trimmed QC" $(date) # Compile MultiQC report from fastQC files cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/fastqc_trim multiqc --interactive ./ echo "Trimmed MultiQC report generated." $(date) ``` Submitted batch job 244018. ## Trimmed sequence MultiQC summary: The trimmed MultiQC report [can be found on the E5 Deep Dive GitHub repo here]( Trimming removed the adapter content in these sequences. The quality scores are very high across the sequence length, so we are not going to trim by length in this iteration. We can return to the trimming step in the future if we need to make changes. ![fastqc_adapter_content_plot]( ![fastqc_sequence_duplication_levels_plot]( ![fastqc_sequence_length_distribution_plot]( ![fastqc_per_base_n_content_plot]( ![fastqc_per_sequence_gc_content_plot]( ![fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot]( ![fastqc_per_base_sequence_quality_plot]( ![fastqc_sequence_counts_plot]( ## Calculate sequence length We also ran a script to calculate sequence length of raw and trimmed sequences. Make a script. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts #SBATCH --error="seq_length_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="seq_length_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file echo "Start sequence length counts" $(date) cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq zgrep -c "@SRR" /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/*.gz > /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/raw_seq_counts.txt zgrep -c "@SRR" /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/*.gz > /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/trim_seq_counts.txt echo "End sequence length counts" $(date) ``` Submitted batch job 244020. The results are below. There are about 20-25 million sequences in each file. ``` /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101688_1.fastq.gz:23396439 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101688_2.fastq.gz:23396439 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101689_1.fastq.gz:24990687 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101689_2.fastq.gz:24990687 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101690_1.fastq.gz:23267238 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101690_2.fastq.gz:23267238 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101691_1.fastq.gz:29417106 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101691_2.fastq.gz:29417106 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101692_1.fastq.gz:22578178 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101692_2.fastq.gz:22578178 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101693_1.fastq.gz:20905338 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101693_2.fastq.gz:20905338 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101694_1.fastq.gz:22990550 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101694_2.fastq.gz:22990550 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101695_1.fastq.gz:16484060 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101695_2.fastq.gz:16484060 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101696_1.fastq.gz:24030431 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101696_2.fastq.gz:24030431 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101697_1.fastq.gz:24846067 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101697_2.fastq.gz:24846067 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101699_1.fastq.gz:22733345 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101699_2.fastq.gz:22733345 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101700_1.fastq.gz:25158606 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101700_2.fastq.gz:25158606 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101701_1.fastq.gz:29523059 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101701_2.fastq.gz:29523059 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101702_1.fastq.gz:23796710 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101702_2.fastq.gz:23796710 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101703_1.fastq.gz:22630044 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101703_2.fastq.gz:22630044 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101704_1.fastq.gz:24455094 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101704_2.fastq.gz:24455094 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101705_1.fastq.gz:27805087 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101705_2.fastq.gz:27805087 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101706_1.fastq.gz:18568153 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101706_2.fastq.gz:18568153 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101707_1.fastq.gz:29131006 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101707_2.fastq.gz:29131006 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101708_1.fastq.gz:25068848 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101708_2.fastq.gz:25068848 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101710_1.fastq.gz:23675842 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101710_2.fastq.gz:23675842 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101711_1.fastq.gz:24020166 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101711_2.fastq.gz:24020166 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101712_1.fastq.gz:24937261 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101712_2.fastq.gz:24937261 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101713_1.fastq.gz:16381619 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101713_2.fastq.gz:16381619 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101715_1.fastq.gz:21751368 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101715_2.fastq.gz:21751368 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101718_1.fastq.gz:27076800 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101718_2.fastq.gz:27076800 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101719_1.fastq.gz:24642131 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101719_2.fastq.gz:24642131 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101720_1.fastq.gz:26361873 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101720_2.fastq.gz:26361873 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101721_1.fastq.gz:17900262 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101721_2.fastq.gz:17900262 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101722_1.fastq.gz:25641209 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101722_2.fastq.gz:25641209 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101723_1.fastq.gz:23770610 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101723_2.fastq.gz:23770610 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101724_1.fastq.gz:25368402 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/raw/SRR15101724_2.fastq.gz:25368402 ``` # 5. Align sequences to the reference genome We are using `HISAT2` and `samtools` to build the reference genome and align our sequences to this reference. See Step 1 above for reference genome information. ## Build reference genome Create a script. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 120:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=10 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts #SBATCH --error="build_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="build_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file # load modules needed module load HISAT2/2.2.1-gompi-2021b #Alignment to reference genome: HISAT2 # Unzip reference genome #gunzip /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs/Pver_genome_assembly_v1.0.fasta.gz # Index reference genome hisat2-build -f /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs/Pver_genome_assembly_v1.0.fasta Pver_ref echo "Reference genome indexed." $(date) ``` This built the reference genome we need to do the alignment. ## Align sequences Create script. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 120:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=10 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --error="align_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="align_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file # load modules needed module load HISAT2/2.2.1-foss-2019b #Alignment to reference genome: HISAT2 module load SAMtools/1.9-foss-2018b #Preparation of alignment for assembly: SAMtools ## Genome already referenced echo "Start alignment" $(date) # Alignment of clean reads to the reference genome # Make array of sequences to trim array1=($(ls /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/*_1.fastq.gz | xargs -n 1 basename)) for i in ${array1[@]}; do hisat2 -p 8 --rna-strandness RF --dta -q -x /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs/Pver_ref -1 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/${i} -2 /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/trim/$(echo ${i}|sed s/_1/_2/) -S /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/${i}.sam samtools sort -@ 8 -o /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/${i}.bam /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/${i}.sam echo "${i} bam-ified!" rm /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/${i}.sam done echo "Alignment completed" $(date) ``` This script will align the sequences to the references, generate `.bam` and `.sam` files, and then remove the unneeded and large `.sam` files. This was started on 20230323 at 09:45 Pacific Time job 244260. Alignment rates range from 69-75% as expected. ### Calculate the alignment rates Next, run a script to output mapping and alignment statistics. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 100:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=10 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts/ #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --error="mapping_rate_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="mapping_rate_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file module load SAMtools/1.9-foss-2018b echo "Start mapping rate calculations from .bam files" $(date) for i in /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/*.bam; do echo "${i}" >> /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/mapped_reads_counts_Pverr samtools flagstat ${i} | grep "mapped (" >> /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/mapped_reads_counts_Pverr done echo "Mapping rates completed" $(date) ``` ## 6. Assemble and map sequences to the reference ### Fix GFF file formats Before assembling reads, we must fix the GFF format to include transcript_id= and gene_id= in the information column using an R script. The R script is below and available on [GitHub here]( ``` #This script add transcript and gene id into GFF file for alignment. #Here, I'll be adding transcript_id= and gene_id= to 'gene' column in order to properly assemble our aligned data #Load libraries and data. #Load libraries library(tidyverse) library(R.utils) #Load gene gff file gff <- read.csv(file = "~/Desktop/GFFs/pverr/Pver_genome_assembly_v1.0.gff3", header = F, sep = "\t", skip = 1) #Rename columns colnames(gff) <- c("scaffold", "Gene.Predict", "id", "gene.start","gene.stop", "pos1", "pos2","pos3", "gene") # Remove all rows with "#" character - this gff has # denoting protein sequences. Since we don't need the protein sequences right now, I'm going to remove them gff <- gff[!grepl("#", gff$scaffold),] #Create transcript ID gff$transcript_id <- sub(";.*", "", gff$gene) gff$transcript_id <- gsub("ID=", "", gff$transcript_id) #remove ID= head(gff) #Create Parent ID gff$parent_id <- sub(".*Parent=", "", gff$gene) gff$parent_id <- sub(";.*", "", gff$parent_id) gff$parent_id <- gsub("ID=", "", gff$parent_id) #remove ID= head(gff) #Add these values back into the gene column separated by semicolons gff <- gff %>% mutate(gene = ifelse(id != "gene", paste0(gene, ";transcript_id=", gff$transcript_id, ";gene_id=", gff$parent_id), paste0(gene))) head(gff) ## if this gff does not work in the stringtie script, go back and edit so that transcript_id=Pver_g1.t2 instead of transcript_id=Pver_g1.t2.utr5p1 or transcript_id=Pver_g1.t2.exon1, etc #Remove parent and transcript columns gff <- gff %>% select(!transcript_id)%>% select(!parent_id) #Save file write.table(gff, file = "~/Desktop/GFFs/pverr/Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3", sep="\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) ``` Zip file and upload to HPC for bioinformatic use `gzip /Users/jillashey/Desktop/GFFs/pverr/Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3` `scp /Users/jillashey/Desktop/GFFs/pverr/Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3.gz` Now we can assemble the reads via stringtie! ### Assemble reads with StringTie Prepare the directories. ``` cd /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs gunzip Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3 cd ../ mkdir assembled cd scripts ``` Make a new script. `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 100:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=10 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts/ #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --error="assemble_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="assemble_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file module load StringTie/2.2.1-GCC-11.2.0 echo "StringTie assembly start" $(date) array=($(ls /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/mapped/*.bam)) #Make an array of sequences to assemble for i in ${array[@]}; do stringtie -p 8 -e -B -G /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs/Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3 -A /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/assembled/${i} -o /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/assembled/${i}.gtf ${i} echo "StringTie assembly for seq file ${i}" $(date) done echo "StringTie assembly complete, starting assembly analysis" $(date) ``` We ran this script and it successfully generated .gtf files as expected. However, there was an error that we have not seen before. We will look at the data and see if it caused an issue in file formats. Preliminary investigations do not show any issues with the files. ``` head assemble_error Warning: invalid start coordinate at line: 3_prime_partial true NA NA ;transcript_id=;gene_id= Warning: invalid start coordinate at line: 5_prime_partial true NA NA ;transcript_id=;gene_id= Warning: invalid start coordinate at line: 3_prime_partial true NA NA ;transcript_id=;gene_id= Warning: invalid start coordinate at line: 5_prime_partial true NA NA ;transcript_id=;gene_id= Warning: invalid start coordinate at line: 3_prime_partial true NA NA ;transcript_id=;gene_id= ``` ### Merge GTF files `nano` ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -t 100:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=10 #SBATCH --export=NONE #SBATCH --mem=100GB #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --account=putnamlab #SBATCH -D /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts/ #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails #SBATCH #your email to send notifications #SBATCH --error="merge_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file #SBATCH --output="merge_output" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file # Load modules module load StringTie/2.2.1-GCC-11.2.0 module load GffCompare/0.12.6-GCC-11.2.0 module load Python/3.9.6-GCCcore-11.2.0 echo "StringTie merge start" $(date) # Make list of gtfs ls /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/assembled/*.gtf > gtf_list.txt # Merge gtfs stringtie --merge -e -p 8 -G /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs/Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3 -o /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/assembled/Pverr_merged.gtf gtf_list.txt #Merge GTFs echo "Stringtie merge complete" $(date) # Compare gtfs and compute accuracy gffcompare -r /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/refs/Pver_genome_assembly_v1_fixed.gff3 -G -o /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/assembled/merged /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/assembled/Pverr_merged.gtf echo "GFFcompare complete, Starting gene count matrix assembly..." $(date) ## Note from ZD code: #Note: the merged part is actually redundant and unnecessary unless we perform the original stringtie step without the -e function and perform #re-estimation with -e after stringtie --merge, but will redo the pipeline later and confirm that I get equal results. ``` Assembly complete! ## 7. Generate gene count matrix with PrepDE Copy the into the scripts folder from recent project. This file can be directly downloaded from [StringTie GitHub here]( ``` cp /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/pairs-rnaseq/ /data/putnamlab/ashuffmyer/e5-deepdive/rna-seq/scripts ``` Compile the gene count matrix by first generating a list of files and then applying the script. This was run in an interactive session. ``` cd assembled/ for filename in *bam.gtf; do echo $filename $PWD/$filename; done > listGTF.txt interactive module load Python/2.7.15-foss-2018b python -g Pverr_gene_count_matrix.csv -i ./listGTF.txt ``` Note that we had an error running this script with Python v3. We instead loaded a previous Python v2. This may not be an issue with more recent verions of the script. Finally, add gene count matrix to E5 repository on GitHub. It is available [at this link here]( ``` scp ~/MyProjects/E5/deep-dive/A-Pver/data/rna-seq ``` The next step will be to assemble metadata and run preliminary analyses.