/volume2/web/Atumefaciens/20230119-coral-fastqc-fastp-multiqc-PRJNA744403 Top directory of QC (FastQC and MultiQC) and trimming of BS-seq and RNA-seq data from NCBI BioProject PRJNA744403. See notebook for more detailed description(s): https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2023/01/13/SRA-Data-Coral-SRA-BioProject-PRJNA744403-Download-and-QC.html --- 20230119-coral-fastqc-fastp-multiqc-PRJNA744403.sh: SLURM script used to run job on UW HPC (Mox). data: Directory containing BS-seq and RNA-seq FastQs (raw and trimmed) for P.grandis and P.meandrina, as well as FastQC and MultiQC reports. directory-tree.txt: Directory tree to show directory structure and file sizes. metadata-SraAccList-PRJNA744403.csv: NCBI BioProject PRJNA744403 metadata CSV file. multiqc_config.yaml: MultiQC config file. program_options.log: Log of programs options used in SLURM script. slurm-4387925.out: SLURM output file. system_path.log: Log of Mox system $PATH when job was SLURM script was executed.