/volume2/web/Atumefaciens/20230119-coral-fastqc-fastp-multiqc-PRJNA744403/data/P_grandis/RNA-seq Raw P.grandis RNA-seq data from NCBI BioProject PRJNA744403 and FastQC/MultiQC results. See notebook for more detailed description(s): https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2023/01/13/SRA-Data-Coral-SRA-BioProject-PRJNA744403-Download-and-QC.html --- input_fastq_checksums.md5: MD5 checksums for all FastQ files. multiqc_data/: Output directory of MultiQC. multiqc_report.html: HTML MultiQC report summarizing all FastQC data. pgrandis.rna-seq.raw.download.list.txt: A list of URLs for all FastQ files and input_fastq_checksums.md5. Use with wget to download these files easily. *.fastqc.html: FastQC HTML reports for each individual FastQ. *.fastqc.zip: Zip file of FastQC reports for each individual FastQ. *.fastq.gz: gzip-ed FastQs.