gannet/Atumefaciens/20220706-snam-fastqc-fastp-multiqc-rnaseq-PRJNA316738 ## QC and trimming of RNAseq data from NCBI BioProject PRJNA316738 - input_fastq_checksums.md5: MD5 checksums for original FastQs. - multiqc_config.yaml: MultiQC config file to enable plugins (i.e. for handling fastp report processing) - multiqc_data/: MultiQC working directory generated by MultiQC. - multiqc_report.html: MultiQC HTML summary report. - program_options.log: Text file documenting program options for all programs run during this Mox session. - slurm-2779752.out: Text file generated by Mox job capturing all text printed to screen. - .fastq: Raw RNAseq reads downloaded from NCBI SRA. - _fastqc.html: FastQC HTML report of raw reads. - FastQC of raw reads output in zip format. - .fastq.trimmed.20220706.fq.gz: fastp trimmed FastQ files in gzip format. - fastp HTML report (similar to FastQC reports) showing before/after trimming metrics. - fastp JSON report; used by MultiQC to generate summary report. - .fastq.trimmed.20220707_fastqc.html: FastQC HTML report of trimmed reads. - FastQC of trimmed reads output in zip format. - system_path.log: Record of system $PATH during Mox runtime. - trimmed_fastq_checksums.md5: MD5 checksums of all trimmed FastQs.