[2022-03-25 01:12:29.041] [jointLog] [info] setting maxHashResizeThreads to 28 [2022-03-25 01:12:29.041] [jointLog] [info] Fragment incompatibility prior below threshold. Incompatible fragments will be ignored. [2022-03-25 01:12:29.041] [jointLog] [info] Usage of --validateMappings implies use of minScoreFraction. Since not explicitly specified, it is being set to 0.65 [2022-03-25 01:12:29.041] [jointLog] [info] Setting consensusSlack to selective-alignment default of 0.35. [2022-03-25 01:12:29.041] [jointLog] [info] parsing read library format [2022-03-25 01:12:29.042] [jointLog] [info] There is 1 library. [2022-03-25 01:12:29.120] [jointLog] [info] Loading pufferfish index [2022-03-25 01:12:29.120] [jointLog] [info] Loading dense pufferfish index. [2022-03-25 01:12:40.860] [jointLog] [info] done [2022-03-25 01:12:40.860] [jointLog] [info] Index contained 38052 targets [2022-03-25 01:12:40.872] [jointLog] [info] Number of decoys : 18 [2022-03-25 01:12:40.872] [jointLog] [info] First decoy index : 38034 [2022-03-25 01:34:35.645] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.58% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.663] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.54% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.677] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.68% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.724] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.58% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.728] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.62% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.780] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.58% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.781] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.64% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.782] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.62% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.792] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.72% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.798] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.54% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.839] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.56% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.855] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 5.36% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.871] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 4.92% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.874] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 2.92% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.920] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.60% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.921] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.58% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.929] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.60% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.930] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.54% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.951] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.68% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.953] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.58% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.953] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.64% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.960] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.56% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.980] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.58% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.982] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.64% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.983] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 5.54% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:35.986] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.60% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:36.012] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.52% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:36.025] [jointLog] [info] Thread saw mini-batch with a maximum of 0.60% zero probability fragments [2022-03-25 01:34:36.220] [jointLog] [info] Computed 50903 rich equivalence classes for further processing [2022-03-25 01:34:36.220] [jointLog] [info] Counted 65852820 total reads in the equivalence classes [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [warning] 0.00141053% of fragments were shorter than the k used to build the index. If this fraction is too large, consider re-building the index with a smaller k. The minimum read size found was 20. [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [info] Number of mappings discarded because of alignment score : 47536677 [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [info] Number of fragments entirely discarded because of alignment score : 27594533 [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [info] Number of fragments discarded because they are best-mapped to decoys : 14750615 [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [info] Number of fragments discarded because they have only dovetail (discordant) mappings to valid targets : 1049679 [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [info] Mapping rate = 20.1579% [2022-03-25 01:34:36.234] [jointLog] [info] finished quantifyLibrary() [2022-03-25 01:34:36.257] [jointLog] [info] Starting optimizer [2022-03-25 01:34:36.285] [jointLog] [info] Marked 0 weighted equivalence classes as degenerate [2022-03-25 01:34:36.288] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 0 | max rel diff. = 167.579 [2022-03-25 01:34:36.220] [fileLog] [info] At end of round 0 ================== Observed 326684823 total fragments (326684823 in most recent round) [2022-03-25 01:34:36.563] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 100 | max rel diff. = 4.26065 [2022-03-25 01:34:36.818] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 200 | max rel diff. = 6.43859 [2022-03-25 01:34:37.056] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 300 | max rel diff. = 0.136324 [2022-03-25 01:34:37.275] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 400 | max rel diff. = 0.030052 [2022-03-25 01:34:37.494] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 500 | max rel diff. = 0.130284 [2022-03-25 01:34:37.713] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 600 | max rel diff. = 0.0924452 [2022-03-25 01:34:37.931] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 700 | max rel diff. = 0.024737 [2022-03-25 01:34:38.150] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 800 | max rel diff. = 0.04321 [2022-03-25 01:34:38.207] [jointLog] [info] iteration = 827 | max rel diff. = 0.0088621 [2022-03-25 01:34:38.210] [jointLog] [info] Finished optimizer [2022-03-25 01:34:38.210] [jointLog] [info] writing output [2022-03-25 01:34:38.272] [jointLog] [info] Computing gene-level abundance estimates [2022-03-25 01:34:42.690] [jointLog] [info] There were 38326 transcripts mapping to 34947 genes [2022-03-25 01:34:42.690] [jointLog] [info] NOTE: We recommend using tximport (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/tximport.html) for aggregating transcript-level salmon abundance estimates to the gene level. It is more versatile, exposes more features, and allows considering multi-sample information during aggregation. [2022-03-25 01:34:42.790] [jointLog] [info] Aggregating expressions to gene level [2022-03-25 01:34:42.890] [jointLog] [info] done