/volume2/web/Atumefaciens/20220224_cvir_gonad_RNAseq_fastp_trimming # fastp trimming to remove additional 20bp from 5' ends of R1 and R2 reads # of C.virginica adult gonad OA RNAseq # Originally adapter trimmed on 20210714 by Sam. - 20220224_cvir_gonad_RNAseq_fastp_trimming.sh: SBATCH script used to run job on Mox. - input_fastq_checksums.md5: List of input FastQ files used and corresponding MD5 checksums. - input.fastq.list.txt: List of input FastQ files used. - multiqc_config.yaml: Config file used when running MultiQC. - multiqc_data/: MultiQC data output directory. - multiqc_report.html: Summary report generated by MultiQC in HTML format. Can be opened with any web browser for interactive viewing. - program_options.log: Log of program menu(s) used in Mox job. - *R[12].fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.fq.gz: Trimmed, gzipped FastQ files generated by fastp. - *R[12].fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.report.html: Individual sample fastp reports in HTML format. Can be opened with any web browser for interactive viewing. - *R[12].fastp-trim.20bp-5prime.20220224.report.json: Individual sample fastp reports in JSON format. - slurm-2573198.out: Mox SLURM log file. Captures any info during the job sent to stdout/stderr. - system_path.log: Log of contents of system $PATH when SBATCH script was run. - trimmed_fastq_checksums.md5: List of trimmed FastQs and corresponding MD5 checksums.