Alignment of C.virginica adult gonad exposed to OA RNAseq to NCBI genome GCF_002022765.2 using HISAT2 on Mox. ----------------------------------------------------------- FILES: - 20210131-cvir-hisat2_hisat2.err: HISAT2 standard error output. Contains alignments stats. - 20210131-cvir-hisat2.sorted.bam: Sorted BAM file. - 20210131-cvir-hisat2.sorted.bam.bai: BAM index file. Useful for IGV. - SLURM script used to run job on Mox. - checksums.md5: MD5 checksums of all files in this directory. - input_fastqs_checksums.md5: MD5 checksusm of all FASTQ files used as input. - program_options.log: Log of help menus/optinos for programs used. - slurm-2550054.out: Standard output log file generated by the SLURM scheduler. - system_path.log: Log of all items in system $PATH at runtime.