Program options for trinity_gene_trans_map: Can't open --help: No such file or directory at /gscratch/srlab/programs/trinityrnaseq-v2.9.0/util/support_scripts/ line 7. ---------------------------------------------- Program options for samtools_faidx: Usage: samtools faidx [ [...]] Option: -o, --output FILE Write FASTA to file. -n, --length INT Length of FASTA sequence line. [60] -c, --continue Continue after trying to retrieve missing region. -r, --region-file FILE File of regions. Format is chr:from-to. One per line. -i, --reverse-complement Reverse complement sequences. --mark-strand TYPE Add strand indicator to sequence name TYPE = rc for /rc on negative strand (default) no for no strand indicator sign for (+) / (-) custom,, for custom indicator -f, --fastq File and index in FASTQ format. -h, --help This message. ---------------------------------------------- Program options for trinity_fasta_seq_length: Error: Couldn't open --help ---------------------------------------------- Program options for trinity_stats: Error: Couldn't open --help ----------------------------------------------