Version MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.18.3, built 17 Dec 2019) Copyright (C) 2019 Daniel H. Huson. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3. Sources available at: Java version: 11.0.5 Opening startup files Loading 2,175,506 Loading ncbi.tre: 2,175,510 Induced tree has 2,175,510 of 2,175,510 nodes Executing: open file='/mnt/gannet/Atumefaciens/20200604_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_diamond_blastx/cbai_transcriptome_v2.0.daa2rma.rma6'; Info: Opened file 'cbai_transcriptome_v2.0.daa2rma.rma6' with 268,106 reads Induced tree has 699 of 2,175,510 nodes Induced tree has 699 of 2,175,510 nodes Executing: select nodes=subTree; Number of nodes selected: 57 Executing: show window=ExtractReads; Executing: set summarized=true; Executing: set summarized=false; Executing: extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='hemat_transcriptome_v2.1.fasta' data=Taxonomy ids= 33630 5794 422676 5819 1639119 5820 418103 5863 1280412 5796 75739 423054 35082 5806 5799 5809 5878 431838 6020 33829 194286 693921 57506 431837 194287 5957 219169 5962 5963 877183 2605696 1169538 1169539 1169540 2864 2953 2910 403651 71000 71001 89954 252141 2949 2951 88547 88550 135491 467798 1263730 1649283 2497438 27997 27998 27999 28000 31276 423536 allBelow=false; Info: Number of reads written: 30612 Info: Command completed (15s): extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='hemat_transcriptome_v2.... Executing: select nodes=invert; Number of nodes selected: 642 Executing: extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='cbait_transcriptome_v2.1.fasta' data=Taxonomy ids= 1 131567 2 200783 187857 32069 64898 2713 2638710 313370 1783270 68336 976 1224 28211 204458 76892 75 356 41294 374 119045 407 2615210 204441 433 204457 41297 165696 2644732 2183925 165695 13687 196159 1895850 2219696 1985172 82117 1632780 1940610 28216 80840 119060 48736 329 209769 2135499 80864 335058 431059 75682 963 119065 224471 32003 68525 28221 1236 91347 543 570 573 135625 712 53416 53417 72274 468 469 135621 286 118884 33811 135623 641 662 717610 670 1783257 1783272 201174 1760 85007 1653 1716 85029 37914 1762 1763 85013 74712 1434010 1206085 85006 85023 2034 257496 1268 57494 85009 85015 2040 2633570 31957 1912216 1747 1798711 1117 1239 91061 1385 186817 90964 1279 186826 2323 49928 2157 28890 2759 554915 2605435 142796 33083 3027 589342 589343 55528 55529 905079 2608109 2830 2608131 73020 418966 2902 2903 280463 73028 1136790 35140 2647842 1460289 33154 28009 1924738 81529 4751 451864 4890 716545 147538 716546 147545 451871 5042 715989 147550 222544 292576 79807 79808 5204 5302 155619 452284 1538075 162474 742845 55193 76775 425264 112252 4761 6029 6032 27970 27971 31281 481877 646526 1081670 1081671 1081667 1081669 27974 42398 42399 993615 6036 103457 1176354 1913637 451507 33208 6072 33213 33511 7711 7735 7736 7737 7739 89593 7742 7776 117570 117571 7898 186623 41665 32443 1489341 186625 1489388 123365 123366 123367 123368 123369 1489872 1489908 1489913 28738 1489883 129912 1489884 72045 129917 72046 109280 186634 32519 186626 186627 7952 30727 7953 495549 495550 7961 7962 8287 1338369 32523 32524 40674 32525 9347 1437010 314146 314147 9989 1963758 337687 337677 10026 10028 10029 10066 39107 10088 862507 10090 10114 10116 9443 376913 314293 9526 314294 9527 9528 9539 9541 9569 314295 9604 207598 9605 9606 9596 9598 9479 9498 314145 33554 91561 9721 9397 8457 32561 1329799 8492 436486 436489 436491 436492 8782 8825 8906 8917 161679 161683 1758121 8504 8509 1329961 1329950 1329912 8292 41666 8342 7586 133551 7624 7625 7638 7674 7675 31181 7664 7668 7705 7681 7682 7687 307971 307972 10219 10220 10221 10222 10224 6157 33317 1206794 6231 119089 6236 119088 1457286 6329 6332 6333 6337 119093 36086 88770 6656 6843 6854 6893 6905 74971 197563 197562 6657 6658 116557 84337 6665 116561 77658 6668 2172821 6681 72041 6682 6683 6684 111520 6685 133894 6687 6689 6692 6712 6724 6725 72430 6726 6728 6752 116704 116706 29964 6753 6754 39395 6804 6805 41209 290538 497819 361633 361634 6774 6757 80835 210409 6760 85552 116707 29962 72876 95601 95602 6694 6820 6821 1732196 1732206 199476 199477 199487 294128 29979 41116 526418 37810 13346 13347 6960 50557 85512 7496 33340 33392 85604 7088 41191 41196 41197 37567 104431 37570 7100 37572 7143 42289 189315 7145 37573 268499 40081 168630 168631 41011 93884 262181 151548 151549 7041 41084 41088 71528 27439 63710 63711 226742 226749 50385 50389 50390 7147 7203 43733 480118 480117 43738 43741 7399 7400 7434 2153479 36668 7479 34695 143999 33342 7524 33373 33380 33385 27482 133076 33386 33341 6970 85823 1049657 1912919 46562 105801 60568 105785 1215728 33467 2082883 2082909 37891 37847 37621 1206795 6340 42113 55824 2218736 2218738 6407 6411 6412 6341 105387 6342 51292 51293 283909 7568 115360 115361 7570 115362 33491 7571 7574 6447 6544 6545 6562 98302 6563 6564 106218 106219 6566 186466 6573 6605 6606 215449 215451 6638 6646 6647 6643 37653 6448 69555 75116 6475 54973 72702 400727 216305 216307 977775 71490 71491 71492 71493 188477 6073 6101 6102 6103 42823 1720308 1720309 6125 123757 6126 6127 70779 45264 46729 6132 40677 723662 51108 51109 151771 6074 37516 406427 1612408 6080 6083 6087 42461 127916 543769 33634 2836 33849 33850 38748 33836 33846 33847 29202 35127 35128 296543 35131 33674 2315209 2315210 4762 4776 4777 4763 4764 100860 35675 54409 44055 44056 33090 3041 1035538 13792 35493 131221 3193 58023 78536 58024 3398 1437183 71240 91827 1437201 71274 71275 91835 4447 1437197 4734 10239 -2 allBelow=false; Info: Number of reads written: 237494 Info: Command completed (107s): extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='cbait_transcriptome_v2... Executing: close what=current; Executing: quit; Induced tree has 2,175,510 of 2,175,510 nodes Executing: open file='/mnt/gannet/Atumefaciens/20200604_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_diamond_blastx/cbai_transcriptome_v3.0.daa2rma.rma6'; Info: Opened file 'cbai_transcriptome_v3.0.daa2rma.rma6' with 108,512 reads Induced tree has 689 of 2,175,510 nodes Induced tree has 689 of 2,175,510 nodes Executing: select nodes=subTree; Number of nodes selected: 89 Executing: show window=ExtractReads; Executing: extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='hemat_transcriptome_v3.1.fasta' data=Taxonomy ids= 33630 5794 422676 5819 1639119 5820 5863 32594 5864 27994 5873 1280412 5796 75739 423054 35082 5806 5799 44417 88456 5809 29175 29176 572307 5878 431838 6020 31277 37093 291294 5890 5911 312017 33825 340080 5884 5888 33829 194286 693921 57506 1001750 5943 1172189 1001748 5948 5949 431837 194287 5957 219169 5962 5963 877183 2605696 1169538 1169539 1169540 2864 40984 2953 1003176 157684 407301 2910 403651 71000 71001 2942 2943 2944 39449 89954 252141 2949 2951 88547 88550 135491 467798 1263730 1649283 2497438 27997 27998 27999 28000 31276 423536 allBelow=false; Info: Number of reads written: 29863 Info: Command completed (10s): extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='hemat_transcriptome_v3.... Executing: select nodes=invert; Number of nodes selected: 600 Executing: show window=ExtractReads; Executing: extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='cbai_transcriptome_v3.1.fasta' data=Taxonomy ids= 1 131567 2 200783 187857 32069 64898 2713 2638710 313370 1783270 68336 976 768503 1224 28211 28216 80840 68525 28221 29 80812 45456 122706 1236 91347 543 570 573 135625 712 72274 118884 135623 641 662 717610 670 1783257 1783272 201174 1760 85011 2062 200795 1798711 1117 1161 1239 91061 1385 186826 186801 2323 1783234 2157 28890 2283794 183939 2182 196117 196118 2759 554915 2605435 142796 33083 2058181 3027 589342 589343 55528 55529 905079 33682 5653 5654 2608109 2830 2608131 73020 418966 2902 2903 280463 73028 1136790 35140 2647842 1460289 33154 28009 1924738 81529 86017 946362 4751 451864 4890 716545 147538 716546 715962 147541 147545 451871 5042 1131492 715989 147550 222543 5125 147537 4891 4892 5204 5302 155619 452333 112252 4761 451435 6029 6032 27970 27971 1081670 1081671 1081667 1081669 1913637 214504 214506 36750 36751 1137986 2212732 214503 4854 4855 78898 1069443 451507 2212703 4827 1913638 33208 6072 33213 33511 7711 7735 7736 7737 7741 89593 7742 7776 117570 117571 7898 186623 41665 32443 1489341 186625 1489388 123365 123366 123367 123368 123369 1489872 1489904 1489908 1489913 28738 1489909 1489883 129912 1489884 72045 129917 72046 109280 186634 32519 186626 186628 186627 7952 30727 7953 495549 495550 8287 1338369 32523 32524 40674 32525 9347 1437010 314146 314147 9989 1963758 337687 314145 8457 32561 1329799 8492 436486 436489 436491 436492 8782 8825 8504 8509 1329961 1329950 1329912 8292 7712 7713 183770 7716 7717 7718 7719 7586 133551 7624 7625 7638 7674 7675 31181 7664 7668 7705 7681 7682 7687 307971 307972 10219 10220 10221 10222 10224 6157 33317 1206794 6231 119089 6236 119088 1457286 6329 6332 6333 6337 88770 6656 6843 6854 6893 6905 74971 197563 197562 6657 6658 116557 84337 6665 116561 77658 6668 2172821 72037 6830 116569 116570 6833 88013 88014 88015 6681 72041 6682 6683 6684 111520 6685 133894 27405 6687 6689 6692 6712 6724 6725 72430 6726 6728 29961 37850 6722 6752 116704 116706 29964 6753 6754 6804 6805 41209 290538 497819 361633 361634 6774 6757 80835 210409 6760 85552 116707 29962 72876 95601 95602 6694 115580 6695 6820 6821 1732196 1732206 199476 199477 199487 294128 29979 41116 526418 37810 13346 13347 6960 50557 85512 7496 33340 33392 85604 7088 41191 41196 41197 37567 104431 7041 41084 41088 71528 27439 63710 63711 226742 226749 50385 50389 50390 7147 7203 43733 480118 480117 43738 43741 7148 43786 41827 7157 43817 1056966 7158 53541 7399 7400 7434 2153479 36668 34695 33342 7524 33373 33380 33385 27482 133076 33341 6970 85823 1049657 1912919 1215728 33467 2082883 2082909 37891 37847 37621 1206795 6340 42113 55824 2218736 2218738 6407 6411 6412 6341 105387 6342 51292 51293 283909 7568 115360 115361 7570 115362 33491 7571 7574 6447 6544 6545 6562 98302 6563 6564 106218 106219 6566 186466 6573 6605 6606 215449 215451 6638 6646 6647 6643 37653 6448 69555 75116 6475 54973 72702 400727 216305 216307 6073 6101 6102 6103 42823 1720308 1720309 6125 123757 6126 6127 46729 6132 40677 723662 51108 51109 151771 6074 37516 406427 1612408 6080 6083 6087 42461 127916 192874 192875 595528 198625 72018 72019 667725 543769 2604748 37357 37358 37359 37360 2763 33634 2836 33849 33850 33851 33852 186035 186039 635003 38748 38749 2849 2850 556484 33836 33846 33847 29202 35127 159749 35128 296543 35131 33674 2315209 2315210 4762 4776 4777 4783 121069 4782 4797 4763 4764 100860 4769 74556 74557 35675 54409 44055 44056 569578 2870 2877 2878 2879 2880 33090 3041 3166 3042 1035538 13792 1525212 70447 41873 38832 296587 75966 35493 131221 3193 58023 78536 58024 3398 1437183 71240 91827 1437201 71274 91888 71275 91835 72025 3803 3814 2231393 91836 4447 1437197 4734 38820 4479 10239 -2 allBelow=false; Info: Number of reads written: 78649 Info: Command completed (34s): extract what=reads outdir='/home/sam/analyses/20200605_cbai_v2.0_v3.0_megan_seq_extractions' outfile='cbai_transcriptome_v3.1... Executing: close what=current;