/gannet/web/Atumefaciens/20190925_metagenomics_DIAMOND_blastx --- FILES - 20190925_metagenomics_DIAMOND_blastx.sh: SBATCH script for running DIAMOND BLASTx on Mox. - 20191007_metagenomics_meganizer.sh: Script to run MEGAN6 meganizer on DIAMOND DAA files from 20190925_metagenomics_DIAMOND_blastx Mox job. - fastq_list.txt: List of input FastQ files used for SBATCH script input. - *blastx.daa: DIAMOND BLASTx output files. All files have been "meganized", which appends MEGAN6 index info to the end of the initial DIAMOND BLASTx output. - slurm-1363978.out: Mox stderr/stdout. - system_path.log: Contents of Sam's system $PATH on Mox. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/09/25/Metagenomics-Annotation-P.generosa-Water-Samples-Using-DIAMOND-BLASTx-on-Mox.html