/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190723_stringtie_pgen_v070/ Use of Hisat2 and Stringtie to ID alternative isoforms in Panopea generosa transcriptome. --- FILES - 20190723_stringtie_pgen_v070.sh: SBATCH script for running job on Mox. - fastq.list.txt: List of input FastQ files used. - [GN][eR]oduck*.gtf: Individual GTF files produced by Hisat2. - [GN][eR]oduck*_hisat2.err: Individual Hisat2 standard error (text). - [GN][eR]oduck*.sorted.bam: Individual, sorted BAM files. - [GN][eR]oduck*.sorted.bam.bai: Individual BAM index files. - gtf_list.txt: List of individual GTF files used to create Pgenerosa_v074.stringtie.gtf. - Pgenerosa_v070.stringtie.gtf: Merged GTF from all individual GTFs. - slurm-1063741.out: Mox standard out/error. - system_path.log: Log of Sam's system $PATH contents on Mox. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/07/23/Genome-Annotation-Pgenerosa_v070-Hisat2-Transcript-Isoform-Index.html