/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190716_hisat2-build_20190709-olur_v081/ Generate a Hisat2 genome index that identifies splice sites and exons for downstream use with Stringtie to identify transcript isoforms in the MAKER-annotated 20190709-Olurida_v081 genome. --- FILES - 20190709-Olurida_v081_genome_snap02.all.renamed.putative_function.domain_added.gtf: GTF file created from GFF file of the same name. Created with GFF utilities. - 20190716_hisat2-build_20190709-olur_v081.sh: SBATCh script for running on Mox. - fastq.list.txt: List of input FastQ files for Stringtie. Not relevant to this analysis and can be ignored. - hisat2_build.err: Standard error output. - hisat2_exons.tab: Hisat2 exons text file. tab-delimited. - hisat2_splice_sites.tab: Hisat2 splice sites text file. tab-delimited. - *.ht2: Hisat2 index files. - slurm-1049941.out: Mox output file (stderr/stdout). - system_path.log: List of Sam's system $PATH components on Mox. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/07/16/Genome-Annotation-O.lurida-20190709-v081-Hisat2-Transcript-Isoform-Index.html