/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190625_stringtie_oly_v081/ Transcript isoform identification/annotation of the MAKER-annotated Olurida_v081 genome using Hisat2 and Stringtie. Used trimmed (Trimmomatic) RNAseq FastQs from my 20180827 Trinity transcriptome assembly. --- FILES - .gtf: Individual GTF files produced by Stringtie. - .cov_refs.gtf: Individual coverage files produced by Stringtie. - *_hisat2.err: Individual Hisat2 alignment stats. - *.sorted.bam: Individual sorted BAM files. - *.sorted.bam.bai: Individual BAM index files. - 20190625_stringtie_oly_v081.sh: SBATCh script for running on Mox. - fastq.list.txt: List of input FastQ files for Stringtie. - gtf_list.txt: List of individual GTF files. Used for Stringtie merge command. - Olurida_v081.stringtie.gtf: Merged GTF file. - slurm-999805.out: Mox SLURM output (i.e. stderr/stdout). - system_path.log: List of Sam's Mox system $PATH contents. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/06/25/Genome-Annotation-O.lurida-(v081)-Transcript-Isoform-ID-with-Stringtie-on-Mox.html