/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190516_metagenomics_pgen_blastx BLASTx run on Mox, using individual metagenomic water sample FastAs previously assembled using MEGAHIT on 20190327. See this notebook entry for MEGAHIT assembly info: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/03/27/Metagenome-Assemblies-P.generosa-Water-Samples-Trimmed-HiSeqX-Data-Using-Megahit-on-Mox.html --- FILES: - 20190516_metagenomics_pgen_blastx.sh: SBATCH script for job submission on Mox. - input.fasta.list.txt: List of FastA files used as input. The FastA files were generated using MEGAHIT on 20190327 by Sam. - *.blastx.outfmt6: BLASTx output for each input FastA file. Use output format 6, with staxid and sciname options at end. - slurm-845184.out: SLURM output file (i.e. stderr/stdout). - system_path.log: Log of system $PATH contents for Sam's Mox profile. --- NOTEBOOK: