/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190501_cgig_fastqc_wgbs_roberto FastQC and MultiQC analysis of Roberto's C.gigas WGBS supplemental Genwiz sequencing data. --- FILES - *.fastqc.html: FastQC HTML files for each FastQ input file. Open in a web browser for viewing. - *.fastqc.zip: ZIP file of FastQC output for each FastQ input file. - 20190501_cgig_fastqc_wgbs_roberto.sh: Bash script used to run FastQC and MultiQC on Sam's computer (swoose). - multiqc_data/: MultiQC output directory. Contains needed files for multqc_report.html file. - multiqc_report.html: MultiQC report HTML file; summarizes FastQC data. Open in a web browser for viewing. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/05/01/FastQC-MultiQC-Additional-C.gigas-WGBS-Sequencing-Data-from-Genewiz-Received-20190501.html