/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190408_metagenomics_pgen_quast_comparison Use Quast to compare two metagenomic assemblies from geoduck water samples: - Sam's assembly - Emma's assembly See notebook for all the details. --- FILES All folders/files outlined below are the defaults generated by Quast. "report.html" is probably the easiest way to view the data - can be opened in a browser. └── quast_results ├── latest -> results_2019_04_08_09_47_17 └── results_2019_04_08_09_47_17 ├── basic_stats │   ├── cumulative_plot.pdf │   ├── ets_GC_content_plot.pdf │   ├── GC_content_plot.pdf │   ├── Nx_plot.pdf │   └── sjw_GC_content_plot.pdf ├── icarus.html ├── icarus_viewers │   └── contig_size_viewer.html ├── quast.log ├── report.html ├── report.pdf ├── report.tex ├── report.tsv ├── report.txt ├── transposed_report.tex ├── transposed_report.tsv └── transposed_report.txt --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/04/08/Metagenomics-P.generosa-Water-Sample-Assemlby-Comparisons-with-Quast.html