/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190327_metagenomics_pgen_megahit/MG3/megahit_out Metagenomic assemblies of individual Panopea generosa water samples using Megahit, run on Mox. Output folder for Megahit assembly for sample MG3 (pH=7.1). --- FILES - done: Empty file generated by Megahit. - intermediate_contigs: Directory generated by Megahit. - MG3.contigs.fa: FastA assembly. - MG3.contigs.fa.fai: FastA index file (samtools faidx). - MG3.log: Log file generated by Megahit. - opts.txt: List of options used to run Megahit. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/03/27/Metagenome-Assemblies-P.generosa-Water-Samples-Trimmed-HiSeqX-Data-Using-Megahit-on-Mox.html