/gannet/Atumefaciens/20190318_blastx_geoduck_juvD5_RNAseq Part of geoduck Day 5 larvae (mislabeled as juvenile Day 5) transcriptome assembly and annotation. Assembly done on 20190215: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/02/15/Transcriptome-Assembly-Geoduck-Tissue-specific-Assembly-Juvenile.html Ran BLASTx on Mox in preparation for Trinotate annotation. --- FILES - 20190318_blastx_geoduck_juvD5_RNAseq.sh: SBATCH script to run BLASTx on Mox. - blastx.outfmt6: BLASTx output in default output format 6 (includes staxid field). - slurm-696480.out: SLURM output file (i.e. stderr/stdout) - system_path.log: Log of items in Sam's Mox system $PATH. --- Notebook: https://robertslab.github.io/sams-notebook/2019/03/18/Transcriptome-Annotation-Geoduck-Juvenile-Day-5-with-BLASTx-on-Mox.html