Program options for ShortStack: usage: ShortStack [-h] [--version] --genomefile GENOMEFILE [--known_miRNAs KNOWN_MIRNAS] (--readfile [READFILE ...] | --bamfile [BAMFILE ...]) [--outdir OUTDIR] [--adapter ADAPTER | --autotrim] [--autotrim_key AUTOTRIM_KEY] [--threads THREADS] [--mmap {u,f,r}] [--align_only] [--show_secondaries] [--dicermin DICERMIN] [--dicermax DICERMAX] [--locifile LOCIFILE | --locus LOCUS] [--nohp] [--dn_mirna] [--strand_cutoff STRAND_CUTOFF] [--mincov MINCOV] [--pad PAD] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit --genomefile GENOMEFILE FASTA file of the reference genome (required) --known_miRNAs KNOWN_MIRNAS FASTA file of known/suspected mature microRNAs --readfile [READFILE ...] One or more files of reads (fq, fa, gzip OK) --bamfile [BAMFILE ...] One or more BAM alignment files --outdir OUTDIR Output directory name. Defaults to ShortStack_time --adapter ADAPTER 3-primer adapter sequence to trim off ofreads. If given applies to all input fastq files. Mutually exclusive with --autotrim. --autotrim If this switch is set, automatically discover the 3-prime adapter from each input readfile, and trim it. This uses the sequence from --autotrim_key to discover the adapter sequence. Mutually exlcusive with --adapter. --autotrim_key AUTOTRIM_KEY Sequence of an abundant, known small RNA to be used to discover the 3-prime adapter sequence. Has no effect unless --autotrim is specified. Defaults to TCGGACCAGGCTTCATTCCCC (miR166). Can be upper or lower- case, T or U and must be 20-30 bases long. --threads THREADS Number of threads to use (integer) - default: 1 --mmap {u,f,r} Protocol for multi-mapped reads: u, f, or r - default: u --align_only If this switch is set, ShortStack quits after performing alignments without any analyses performed. --show_secondaries If this switch is set, ShortStack will retain secondary alignments for multimapped reads. This will increase bam file size, possibly by a lot. --dicermin DICERMIN Minimum size of a valid Dicer-processed small RNA. Must be integer >= 15 and <= dicermax. Default: 20. --dicermax DICERMAX Maximum size of a valid Dicer-processed small RNA. Must be integer >= 15 and <= dicermax. Default: 24. --locifile LOCIFILE File listing intervals to analyze. Can be simple tab- delimited, .bed, or .gff3. Tab-delimited format is column 1 with coordinates Chr:start-stop, column 2 with names. Input file assumed to be simple tab- delimited unless file name ends in .bed or .gff3. Mutually exclusive with --locus. --locus LOCUS Analyze the specified interval, given in format Chr:start-stop. Mutually exclusive with --locifile. --nohp If this switch is set, RNA folding will not take place, thus MIRNA loci cannot be annotated. This does however save CPU time. --dn_mirna If this switch is set, a de novo search for new MIRNA loci will be performed. By default, de novo MIRNA finding is not performed and MIRNA searches are limited to loci matching RNAs from --known_miRNAs that align to the genome --strand_cutoff STRAND_CUTOFF Cutoff for calling the strandedness of a small RNA locus. Must be a floating point > 0.5 and < 1. Default: 0.8. --mincov MINCOV Minimum alignment depth required to nucleate a small RNA cluster during de novo cluster search. In units of reads per million. Must be a floating point number. Default: 0.5 --pad PAD Initial peaks (continuous regions with depth exceeding argument mincov are merged if they are this distance or less from each other. Must be an integer >= 1. Default: 75 ----------------------------------------------