gannet/Atumefaciens/20201007_cbai_megan-read-extractions_201002558-2729-Q7 # C.baridi NanoPore sequencing reads (quality >= 7) from uninfected muscle sample (201002558-2729) # extracted via taxonomy assigned by MEGAN6 as FastA files, using the "summarized" setting. This # setting captures all reads of a given taxonomic assignment level and includes all reads # assigned to all descendant taxa. # File format: 201002558-2729-Q7_summarized-reads-.fasta - *Aquifex.sp..fasta: Aquifex sp. which are a Genus of thermophylic bacteria. - * Arthroposa.fasta: Phylum that includes crabs. - *Enterospora_canceria.fasta: Species of microsporidia. - *Sar.fasta: SAR Supergroup, which includes the Alveolata phylum, which includes Hematodinium sp. - 20201007_cbai_megan-read-extractions.log: Text file that documents read extraction process from MEGAN6.