gannet/Atumefaciens/20181015_vcf_split Individual VCF files, originally split from SNP.TRSdp5g95FnDNAmaf05.vcf.gz. Original file (15GB): See notebook to see how files were generated: ---------- FILES: - Bash script used to split sorted, bzipped/indexed (using tabix), AN/AC-filled, VCF file. - *.SAMPLE_NAME.vcf.gz: Individual VCF files originating from SNP.TRSdp5g95FnDNAmaf05.sorted.ANACfill.vcf.gz. - SNP.TRSdp5g95FnDNAmaf05.sorted.ANACfill.vcf.gz: Sorted VCF file, with AN and AC tags filled in via bcftools fill-AN-AC plugin. - SNP.TRSdp5g95FnDNAmaf05.sorted.vcf.gz: Sorted VCF file. - SNP.TRSdp5g95FnDNAmaf05.sorted.vcf.gz.tbi: Indexed, sorted VCF file, generated using tabix.